Noah Bates

In learning how to write, one of the most important steps is being able to recognize mistakes when they happen. Allow the use of grammar and spell check. It is perfectly fine to ignore technology-use as just being lazy, but grammar and spelling check
In learning how to write, one of the most important steps is being able to recognize mistakes when they happen. Allow the use of grammar and spell check. It is perfectly fine to ignore technology-use as just being lazy, but grammar and spelling check

In learning how to write, one of the most important steps is being able to recognize mistakes when they happen. Allow the use of grammar and spell check. It is perfectly fine to ignore technology-use as just being lazy, but grammar and spelling check can be very useful for a kid who's learning to write or even attempting to improve. This is simply because at times there are multiple suggested refinements that force a kid not to just notice the misspelled word or phrase, but also to spend a little extra cognitive effort thinking about how to fix it. A good writing program will provide this funcRead More...

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