Molly Kumar


Whether the Weather

Books by Ruheen Kumar

WHETHER THE WEATHER is a collection of poems with no visible direction. Like the weather, this book is unpredictable and like typical teenagers, the mood oscillates. But it reveals certain truths that people often conceal, memories long forgotten and feelings that continue to linger. 
Written by a teenager trying to get through high school, this poetry collection creates nostalgia and a sense of camaraderie for those flipping through it. It's teenage

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Books by Ruheen Kumar

MOONLIGHT is a collection of poems that intensify bit by bit. Like the phases of the moon, the words expand and change, because change is constant. Sometimes you'll have to read between the lines; like the moon, things aren't always what they seem. 
Written by a girl trying to project her voice, her feelings, her views into the world, this collection elicits great curiosity and wonder. A thought-provoking anthology of words. But capricious, as emotion

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Life's Cares

Books by Molly Kumar

This book is a labor of love and was written in times of sheer
solitude. It lays bare the author’s keen observation about life. The
author weaves exquisite similes to describe the paradox called
Poetry, at times, leaves an indelible impression on the readers.
Mostly, poetry unfolds the deepest crevices of life that necessitate
fewer words. Molly Kumar, the author of this book, is not a stranger
to the world

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Books by Molly Kumar

This book reveals the secrets of what makes each of us special. Freaky Four is a tale to remember. It tells the story of animals who are treated differently. This book is their journey of struggles and serves as a lesson for others to embrace their uniqueness. This book is a great read for both children and adults alike

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Books by Molly Kumar

Footsie in Space is the sequel to the book Footsie. In this book, Footsie travels to far off lands . She forms new friendships, fulfils her dreams and becomes the leader of her beloved town. She through her journey shows that if we set our hearts on something, we can surely achieve it. This book ends on a high note and young readers are bound to freely imagine the world of Footsie. Happy reading!

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Books by Molly Kumar

This book tells the story of a female ant, Footsie. It shows how she overcomes troubles in her life to climb the highest peak in the world. This is a story of faith and hope. This is a story of courage and rresilience. It is written from the perspective of Footsie. The world of ants come alive in this book. Happy Reading!

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