Deepak Devaraj

I have 15 years of experience in the IT Industry. Apart from that I'm also an Author of Non Fiction category. I have a deep understanding on Personal Development and Life Skills. Some of my favorite techniques that I practice and write about are Yoga
I have 15 years of experience in the IT Industry. Apart from that I'm also an Author of Non Fiction category. I have a deep understanding on Personal Development and Life Skills. Some of my favorite techniques that I practice and write about are Yoga


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Your Greatest Self

Books by Deepak Devaraj

Get to know more about the greatest person that you have ever met.

This great personality is you yourself.

Do you feel that you are not in the same league as many other great people?

Do you feel that you are lacking the skills and the talent to compete with some of the great people?

Do you believe that your inner self is powerless to help you to face the challenges and difficulties of your external world?

If your an

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The Higher Vibration

Books by Deepak Devaraj

Every object in this Universe vibrates at a particular frequency. Even for a person, the body and every cell vibrate in some frequency.

If a person vibrates consistently with higher vibratory emotions, then the person is bound to attract success, happiness, health, abundance, and prosperity to his life.

This book explains the science of Higher Vibration and the ways by which one can manifest their goals and desires to their life.

Have y

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The Power of Thoughts & Visualization

Books by Deepak Devaraj

Thoughts form the major activity in the minds of the people. Each thought has the potential to trigger one or more emotions.

The nature of the emotions is decided by how the mind of a person perceives an incoming thought.

Human beings have the power to transform thoughts in the manner that they need them to achieve their goals and desires.

- Do you know that your present moment is the result of all the thoughts that you had been maintai

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Books by Deepak Devaraj

Explore the techniques to balance your mind and body and be in a perfect alignment with the Universe so that you receive unlimited gifts from the Universe for your success, health, happiness and abundance.

Some of the valuable techniques are:

Yoga – Improves your flexibility, balance, awareness etc.

Pranayama – Activates your Energy Channels, activates your cells, activates your brain, removes harmful toxins fr

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