
Love is about ❤️

By Musfira in Poetry | Reads: 802 | Likes: 0

Love is about being patient with each other.  Love is about showing love and care to each other.  Even when you are fighting with each other.  Love is about waiting to open up with each other.  Love is about staying with each other.  It's about fighting the sad and grumpy days together.  It's   Read More...

Published on Feb 13,2021 05:04 PM

A garden full of wonders ❤️

By Musfira in Poetry | Reads: 592 | Likes: 1

If you really love someone  you accept them as what and how they are you don't ask them to change their selves for you  you love them with all their scars and flaws  you don't judge them on the basis of their past mistakes  and when you truly love someone it changes them they bloom into flowers   Read More...

Published on Feb 13,2021 05:01 PM

Till the end of eternity ❤️

By Musfira in Poetry | Reads: 664 | Likes: 0

I never thought I would love someone but, I do love you the darkness of my life found light in you my sadness found the happiness when I found you my day lighten ups when I see you I love you till the end of the day, and till the end of eternity cause I can't imagine myself living a day without lovi  Read More...

Published on Feb 13,2021 04:58 PM

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