Syeda Salima Ahmed


By Syeda Salima Ahmed in Poetry | Reads: 648 | Likes: 0

Love I shall love you till,  The sun shines in the sky,  And the stars twinkle at night.  Till the single drop of water remains,  In the mighty seas and oceans.   And the flowers bloom,  Spreading their fragnance.  None can eliminate my love,  From my heart.  And it will remain in me,  As  Read More...

Published on Feb 17,2021 10:21 AM

Through the City Bus Window

By Syeda Salima Ahmed in Poetry | Reads: 808 | Likes: 0

Through the Citybus Window Here's the journey begins Sitting at a window seat,  Earphones on,  Looking outside,  The world ,appears to be dancing on the rhythm.  I wonder,  "How life simpler use to be".  This window seat ,use to be a source of happiness to me.   But,  The blue sky, The maj  Read More...

Published on Feb 16,2021 07:07 PM

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