
I Love Thee...

By Niharika in Poetry | Reads: 224 | Likes: 1

I shall attain beatitude  By thy exquisite yet intricate touch  Along with grasping thou  Into a mesmerizing cwtch  Thy enticing yet pious adoration  Makes me saunter  In a garden filled with  Generosity and elation My love shall eternally be thine As thou are the deity unto my shrine  I s  Read More...

Published on Feb 17,2021 06:27 PM

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I Love Thee...

By Niharika in Poetry | Reads: 224 | Likes: 1

I shall attain beatitude  By thy exquisite yet intricate touch  Along with grasping thou  Into a mesmerizing cwtch  Thy enticing yet pious adoration  Makes me saunter  In a garden filled with  Generosity and elation My love shall eternally be thine As thou are the deity unto my shrine  I s  Read More...

Published on Feb 17,2021 06:27 PM

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