Anik Verma

Husband wife

By Anik Verma in Poetry | Reads: 502 | Likes: 1

I am sorry for I scolded you. Yes, I did fight, I know I let you cry all alone last night.  Yes, I saw you fighting pillow, when I crushed a bottle of wine. I saw you hitting teddy bear when I was punching on the wall side. I saw you applying lipstick all over you lips, when I was slapping myself b  Read More...

Published on Feb 27,2021 05:54 PM

Dear Mother

By Anik Verma in Poetry | Reads: 945 | Likes: 66

I might get late to wish you, There is no single day where I don't miss you. You are the one who made me a superstar from a dumb. Your cute smile and memories make me happy when my eyes are wet and when I am numb, Yes, I remember those wonderful lessons where you taught me how to count blessings ra  Read More...

Published on Feb 18,2021 10:09 PM

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