Pukhraj Sonwani

तुम्हारा बसंती चेहरा

By Pukhraj Sonwani in Poetry | Reads: 971 | Likes: 0

क्या तुम्हें पता है... देखा है मैने तुम्हारे चेहरे पर बसंत जो कहीं छूपा हुआ है जो शायद पतझड़ मे गिरे पत्तों के नीचे द  Read More...

Published on Feb 20,2021 08:25 PM

Your spring face

By Pukhraj Sonwani in Poetry | Reads: 637 | Likes: 0

Do you know?? I have seen spring on your face Which is hidden somewhere Which is probably pressed under the leaves fallen in autumn Or May be you have put some autumn color on it But I know, When the wind of love blows, These autumn leaves will fly away  And when the monsoon of love comes, This aut  Read More...

Published on Feb 20,2021 07:59 PM

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