Mahesh Kumar Sharma

Writer, Singer and Pharma student
Writer, Singer and Pharma student


A Paper

Books by Mahesh Kumar Sharma

"A PAPER" is a pure love fiction. The story revolves around a paper which becomes a reason for many good things happening around the lead protagonists Mahin and Dhara who have just entered into a new life which we call college life after the school one.

     From the meeting to the end, how do they meet? How a paper get into their life? What kinda complications they face in college life and with each other? How it all ends up with

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एक पैकेट बिस्कुट

By Mahesh Kumar Sharma in Autobiography | Reads: 6,510 | Likes: 91

सत्य घटना पर आधारित.... सुबह हो गयी थी और सूरज सर पर था। एक नहीं, दो नहीं, बल्कि अलार्म घड़ी की चौथी घंटी जब 8 बजे बजी तब ख़्  Read More...

Published on Jun 15,2022 09:52 AM

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