Spread Those Inks (A unit of Inkzoid Foundation) presents,
Era of Love compiled by Aazam Zahoor Sofi and Rose Mallick
Since ancient times, love has been considered as the most powerful and heavenly blessing.
We love everything that touches our mind and soul, be it a toy,food, animal or human.
'Era Of Love' is a book by 26 different writers across the world, devoted to everyone who is in love,was in love or waiting to be in
Spread Those Inks (A unit of Inkzoid Foundation) presents,
Ladders Of Love compiled by Manisha Venkatesan & Khushi Karan with other talented co-authors, who have presented their various emotions, feelings, perspectives and experiences for the purest bond of love.
The book reflects the bonds of the co-authors with their other dears and nears which has been given a name LOVE.
Ladders Of Love will definitely enlighten the readers' bonds wi
Dilemma means a situation in which a choice must have to be made between two or other options that poses problem. Pinnacle means the highest point.
In our lives, each of us would have faced or will have to such situations when we are trapped by real dilemma and it is dilemmatic pinnacle situation. This dilemma is not acute. It is more or less chronic and often.
This is not true that we can always make correct decision or choi
Inkzoid Foundation presents,
Series Of Poetry compiled by Payal Kamdi, a collection of various types of poetries by different writers from different parts of the world.
In this everyone have pen down their thoughts in free hand. In Series Of Poetry varieties of topics are revealed in a fantastic way.
This book describes 50 different poems. These poems are based on certain events and emotions that occurred in a girl's life. Whose life was a mess and was struggling with her experience of love. She tried to strive alone and manage but she couldn't. She fell in love with a guy whom she thought was his soulmate and tried to give him love and affection. One day this guy broke her heart into pieces and left her alone. From that moment onwards she started to disco
Life is meant to be filled with memories. Every time that we close our eyes and let our mind be free, our head starts to be full of different images, people & places, events; experiences that have left a mark in our life. Sometimes those memories are classified as happy, but other times happens that those memories kill us slowly because they are filled with sadness. Despite making us sad, they have a great value to us. We do not usually like talking about this
Sky Full Of Dreams is an outcome of the various masterpieces collected from skillful writers whereas the constant efforts and determination of the compilers, Krishika Lekhrajani and Payal Kamdi.
Sky Full Of Dreams is an attempt to give a new light to the dreams and goals whereas composed to lighten up the inner potential of dreaming and achieving.
The book has various dreams inked from the sky of dreams which is there in everyone's life.
Life goes on. Time never stops and it keeps on going. Everyday is a new opportunity to be a better person. Sometimes bright as sun and sometimes dark as moon.
Swift Fly The Years is a collection of write-ups reflecting the time and how it leaves the past and gives the future.
The book is presented by Inkzoid Foundation to highlight the viewpoints of everyone regarding the time, memories, past, today and future.
Inkzoid Foundation presents, Mon Amour compiled by Smilee Prashant Bhatt & Reshav Singh
Mon amor- tu es ma vie this title is in French and it means my love,you're my life. In this book you'll get to read about love in form of poems, stories,microtales and so many more genres! Co-authors of this book have penned down all their feelings on love,long distance relationships,breakup and on so many more topics! May you find heartwarming pieces within these
Spread Those Inks (A unit of Inkzoid Foundation) presents,
Abridged love an anthology book compiled by author Mainak Roy and co-compiler Ekaja Das as a debut book.
This book is based on twenty five different perspectives of different authors from India subcontinent .The book comprised of stories and poetry based on fictional as well as real story of incomplete or abridged love .
The book portray and emphasize the diversity of work
"अधूरी परछाई" इस संकलन के माध्यम से अपने विचारों को सांझा करने और उन्हें हमारे जीवन में विविध प्रकार के अनुभवों से भरने का एक ईमानदार प्रयास है। लेखन हमेशा से हमारा शौक और जुनून र�
Playing with words to know their value and articulating them wondrously makes a writer a perfect word mechanic.
The compiler, Eram Naaz with 50 different word mechanics and Inkzoid Foundation composed this book to represent the uniqueness of words through poetries, stories, quotes and etc.
A mother contributes her whole life for the betterment of her family. She tries to maintain peace in the family by creating a sense of togetherness & providing unconditional love to the family. She provides live, support, care, affection to all the family members especially to her growing children.
Compiler, Mansi Mukund Relekar with Inkzoid Foundation presents,
Love She Spreads- MOM
An anthology describing the importance of a mot
INKZOID FOUNDATION is an independent international Publishing. Platform and Writing Community along with literary Club and many more creative people such as a hub of open mic event organizers, dancers, musicians, singers, artists, podcast artists, and photographers we promote them through our featuring page INKZOID Wonders that is why it is another name for the opportunity and it is a family of Hard work Dedication and Creativity. We also provide World records
INKZOID FOUNDATION is an independent international PublishingPlatform and Writing Community along with a literary Club and many
more creative people such as a hub of open mic event organizers, dancers, musicians, singers, artists, podcast artists, and photographers we promote them through our featuring page INKZOID Wonders that is why it is another name for the opportunity and it is a family of Hard work Dedication and Creativity. We don’t bel
INKZOID FOUNDATION is an independent international Publishing Platform and Writing Community along with literary Club and many more creative people such as a hub of open mic event organizers, dancers, musicians, singers, artists, podcast artists, and photographers we promote them through our featuring page INKZOID Wonders that is why it is another name for the opportunity and it is a family of Hard work Dedication and Creativity.
We don’t beli
INKZOID FOUNDATION is an independent international Publishing Platform and Writing Community along with
literary Club and many more creative people such as a hub
of open mic event organisers, dancers, musicians, singers, artists, podcast artists and photographers we promote them through our featuring page INKZOID. Wonders that is why it is another name for opportunity and it is a family of Hardwork Dedication and Creativity. We don't believ
Pankaj Sahani and Mahak Chawla under Inkzoid Foundation presents,
2 AM Dreams, a compilation of feelings and emotions connected with various souls.
The anthology is composed with write-ups which writers have filled with their various dreams, thoughts and emotions.
Just like the anthology name, the writers have inked the depth of their heart, mind and soul through this project.
The Hidden Writer is compiled by Deepak under Inkzoid Foundation.
The book is a collection of masterpieces containing the eternal feelings and emotions of 39 writers.
Through the book 39 souls tried to bring up their hidden writer through this book.
INKZOID FOUNDATION is an independent international Publishing. Platform and Writing Community along with literary Club and many more creative people such as a hub of open mic event organizers, dancers, musicians, singers, artists, podcast artists and photographers we promote them through our featuring page INKZOID Wonders that is why it is another name for opportunity and it is a family of Hard work Dedication and Creativity. We also provides World reco
“United by Diversity” an honest attempt to share our thoughts through this anthology and to fill them with the varied shades of experiences in our life. Writing has always been our hobby and passion which let to penning down our deep emotion on paper and which finally took the shape of this book.
“United by Diversity” This book is the journey of poetic expression through the various shad
“ Way To Death ” is an honest attempt to share our thoughts through this Anthology and to fill them with the varied shades of experiences in our Life. Writing has always been our hobby and passion which let to Penning down our deep emotion on paper and which finally took the shape of this book.
“ Way To Death ” This book is the journey of poetic expression through the Various shades of feeli
Words Of Soul
You cannot live without love. Without love there is no life. Its not a part of life entire life is rolled within it. It’s like blossom of morning flower and starts of dark night”.
Love is a beautiful feeling that can not be written in words format only can be felt and experienced. One sided love and crush is a purest form of love without any expectations and selfishness. It&rsq
Youth is future. Future is a result of today .
Everybody is worried about future and getting depressed , what will happen , will everything will be okay or not , but who knows that they will be alive till that future arrives. Youth is aarambh or vinaash will be decided only by youth . Youth is wasted on Young . Youth is living in future and in future will regret and crave for past.
Youth is a unique phase of
उड़ान मेरे विचारों की एक ऐसी किताब है जिस में ५० अनमोल लेखकों ने अपने विचारों को एक नई उड़ान देना की प्रेरणा दी है।
ये किताब हमारे अलग अलग विचारों पर बनाई गई है, सभी लेखकों ने इस
Words of Encouragement for Success Working toward my goals inspires others around me to do the same.
Improvement and growth are never linear. The more I improve myself, the more I can help the world around me. I
have the power to spread love to each and every person that crosses my path.
Your personal time affect the levels of motivation you experience in life. It has to be an inner desire, an inner f
The Heart Still Wants; an amazingly amorous anthology on the theme LOVE. This anthology is compiled by the poet-authors Abhinaba Dutta and Md. Hozaifa Khalil (Tanishq). Many “bright and beautiful” and “mild and monotonous” poems on “Love”, “Heart-breaks” and “One-sided love” are there in this anthology, which are written by a galaxy of poets. They have
"वाह रे किसान" एक ऐसी किताब है जो एक बहुत ही महत्वपूर्ण व्यक्तित्व के लिए ५० लेखको द्वारा लिखी गई है।
इस किताब के पीछे "इंकजॉइड फाउंडेशन" और "भावना मेहता" का एक बहुत ही बड़ा योगदा�
"Evocation" is a compilation of memorable moments by 50 writers which happened in their life.
Compiled by Payal Kamdi and Dhariya Thakkar.
Published by Inkzoid Foundation international.
"Lafz-e-Dil" is a compilation of writing-pieces by 50 writers about their perspective and experience towards the purest bond; Love.
Compiled by:- Saurabh Sant Gyaneshwar Khobragade
Published by:- Inkzoid Foundation International
INKZOID FOUNDATION is an independent international Publishing. Platform and Writing Community along with literary Club and many more creative people such as a hub of open mic event organizers, dancers, musicians, singers, artists, podcast artists and photographers we promote them through our featuring page INKZOID Wonders that is why it is another name for opportunity and it is a family of Hard work Dedication and Creativity. We also provides World reco
INKZOID FOUNDATION is an independent international Publishing. Platform and Writing Community along with literary Club and many more creative people such as a hub of open mic event organizers, dancers, musicians, singers, artists, podcast artists and photographers we promote them through our featuring page INKZOID Wonders that is why it is another name for opportunity and it is a family of Hard work Dedication and Creativity. We also provides World reco
INKZOID FOUNDATION is an independent international Publishing. Platform and Writing Community along with literary Club and many more creative people such as a hub of open mic event organizers, dancers, musicians, singers, artists, podcast artists and photographers we promote them through our featuring page INKZOID Wonders that is why it is another name for opportunity and it is a family of Hard work Dedication and Creativity. We also provides World records and
INKZOID FOUNDATION is an independent international Publishing. Platform and Writing Community along with literary Club and many more creative people such as a hub of open mic event organizers, dancers, musicians, singers, artists, podcast artists and photographers we promote them through our featuring page INKZOID Wonders that is why it is another name for opportunity and it is a family of Hard work Dedication and Creativity. We also provides World records and
INKZOID FOUNDATION is an independent international Publishing. Platform and Writing Community along with literary Club and many more creative people such as a hub of open mic event organizers, dancers, musicians, singers, artists, podcast artists and photographers we promote them through our featuring page INKZOID Wonders that is why it is another name for opportunity and it is a family of Hard work Dedication and Creativity. We also provides World records and
INKZOID FOUNDATION is an independent international Publishing. Platform and Writing Community along with literary Club and many more creative people such as a hub of open mic event organizers, dancers, musicians, singers, artists, podcast artists and photographers we promote them through our featuring page INKZOID Wonders that is why it is another name for opportunity and it is a family of Hard work Dedication and Creativity. We also provides World records and
INKZOID FOUNDATION is an independent international Publishing. Platform and Writing Community along with literary Club and many more creative people such as a hub of open mic event organizers, dancers, musicians, singers, artists, podcast artists and photographers we promote them through our featuring page INKZOID Wonders that is why it is another name for opportunity and it is a family of Hard work Dedication and Creativity. We also provides World records and
INKZOID FOUNDATION is an independent international Publishing. Platform and Writing Community along with literary Club and many more creative people such as a hub of open mic event organizers, dancers, musicians, singers, artists, podcast artists and photographers we promote them through our featuring page INKZOID Wonders that is why it is another name for opportunity and it is a family of Hard work Dedication and Creativity. We also provides World records and
INKZOID FOUNDATION is an independent international Publishing. Platform and Writing Community along with literary Club and many more creative people such as a hub of open mic event organizers, dancers, musicians, singers, artists, podcast artists and photographers we promote them through our featuring page INKZOID Wonders that is why it is another name for opportunity and it is a family of Hard work Dedication and Creativity. We also provides World records and
INKZOID FOUNDATION is an independent international Publishing. Platform and Writing Community along with literary Club and many more creative people such as a hub of open mic event organizers, dancers, musicians, singers, artists, podcast artists and photographers we promote them through our featuring page INKZOID Wonders that is why it is another name for opportunity and it is a family of Hard work Dedication and Creativity. We also provides World records and
INKZOID FOUNDATION is an independent international Publishing. Platform and Writing Community along with literary Club and many more creative people such as a hub of open mic event organizers, dancers, musicians, singers, artists, podcast artists and photographers we promote them through our featuring page INKZOID Wonders that is why it is another name for opportunity and it is a family of Hard work Dedication and Creativity. We also provides World records and
INKZOID FOUNDATION is an independent international Publishing. Platform and Writing Community along with literary Club and many more creative people such as a hub of open mic event organizers, dancers, musicians, singers, artists, podcast artists and photographers we promote them through our featuring page INKZOID Wonders that is why it is another name for opportunity and it is a family of Hard work Dedication and Creativity. We also provides World reco
INKZOID FOUNDATION is an independent international Publishing. Platform and Writing Community along with literary Club and many more creative people such as a hub of open mic event organizers, dancers, musicians, singers, artists, podcast artists and photographers we promote them through our featuring page INKZOID Wonders that is why it is another name for opportunity and it is a family of Hard work Dedication and Creativity. We also provides World reco
"Fitoor" is an honest attempt to share our thoughts through this anthology and to fill them with the varied shades of experiences in our life. Writing has always been our hobby and passion which let to penning down our deep emotion on paper and which finally took the shape of this book.
"Fitoor" This book is the journey of poetic expression through the various shades of feelings in life. This book is relevant for all age &
We would like to thank the entire team for providing us a great opportunity on compiling this beautiful anthology.
Then, The Compilers have worked with their heart and soul. The contact support of everyone around is admirable.
We would at last, thank our families and co authors for cooperating with us so well.
Whispers Of Soul is an anthology being compiled by Jeevitha Sundararajan with 50 Co-authors in it . All the writers have given their best to capture a prominent place in the readers heart .
"We write to taste life twice, in the moment and in retrospect."
Happy reading ! Hope this piece of book would mesmerize all the readers.
This anthology is dedicated to all Those who can’t tell their feeling, keep thinking in their own mind. Afraid to tell people not to make fun of their feeling. we would like to express our heartiest Thanks of gratitude to Inkzoid foundation publication for allowing us to publish our anthology under this publication . This is not only an anthology but also a feeling of co-authors.