Soliha Maqsood

Writer, Poet, Student and Philanthropist
Writer, Poet, Student and Philanthropist


Dwell on the path of Love.

Books by Soliha Maqsood Bhat.

Dwell on the  love presents an overview of human life. The aspects have been broadly described in the book that are depriving the blessings of our life. I tried to keep it short as possible so the readers can directly understand the message behind writing. If you are finding a book which is simple and easy to understand with a meaniningful content, this is best for you. Go for it and dwell on the path of love: )

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Time changes

By Soliha Maqsood in True Story | Reads: 3,283 | Likes: 1

"The first advantage of time is that it changes" Hi! I'm soliha and the story I'm going to narrate through my words is based on a true incidence. There was a girl who belonged to a poor family. They didn't have a proper roof over their head; yet her parents managed to send her to school. Her father   Read More...

Published on Jul 8,2022 04:21 PM

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