Mehak Gupta

A full-time girl boss and part time poet.
A full-time girl boss and part time poet.

Hi! this side is a very normal college girl who loves to pen down poems just for the sake of declustering her heart.   Poems are my escape and books are my safe place. And writing one of my own is definitely a milestone in the life of the soon-to-be author "Mehak." Being an outgoing and socially active person, making friends has been a cakewalk for me and thus, besides all the fictional characters in my novels, I can proudly identify as a friend of hundreds and a beloved of a few more.Read More...


In The Maze Of Love

Books by Mehak Gupta

Part A.
So, have you fallen yet?
A mystery called love is an intriguing theory that tests the endurance of adrenaline, horror, and diabetes....? It can be too sweet or too sour. But if you did fell, how did it taste for you? Something too scrumptious to cherish forever or something too bitter to despise?
Part B.
Maybe it was not meant to be...
Its ok, it happens. The cliche of heartbreak and with a bottle of beer

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