Soumya V Padippurakkal


Soumya is an engineer who has worked in the IT industry for many years. She did her MBA from IIM- K. Soumya resides in Kerala with her family. She is the author of  'Story of Blue Ocean' , 'A Romantic Delight', 'Epics of Olga' and 'Guna's travel to Saturn'. Read More...


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Guna’s Travel To Saturn

Books by Soumya V Padippurakkal

'Sparrow has a goal in life,The Bird sings from her heart
Krishna likes to go with the flow and Guna is on a travel to Saturn'

This is their story.

Human beings walk hand in hand
With animals, mammals, also birds
There are forts, caves and temples
Which are unique, wonder to the eyes 
Places are there, beautiful are they
A lifetime it will take to see them all

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Guna’s Travel To Saturn

Books by Soumya V Padippurakkal

'Sparrow has a goal in life,The Bird sings from her heart
Krishna likes to go with the flow and Guna is on a travel to Saturn'

This is their story.

Human beings walk hand in hand
With animals, mammals, also birds
There are forts, caves and temples
Which are unique, wonder to the eyes 
Places are there, beautiful are they
A lifetime it will take to see them all

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ആഴക്കടലിലെ അലമാലകൾ

Books by സൗമ്യ വേണുഗോപാലൻ

നമ്മുടെ ജീവിതയാത്രയിൽ അദൃശ്യമായ ഏതോ കരങ്ങൾ അനുനിമിഷം സംരക്ഷണ കവചം ഒരുക്കുന്നുണ്ടെന്ന സന്ദേശമാണ് ആഴക്കടിലിലെ  അലമാലകൾ എന്ന ഈ കഥ. 

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Story of Blue Ocean

Books by Soumya

Arvind comes to the rescue of two strangers, who have been hit by a calamity.

They see some mysterious lakes, trees and indigenous tribes on their way. Finally, back home in the holy city of Puri, Niti realizes that it was all part of a well formulated strategy.

A plan by five powerful men, in five corners of the world, with diverse belief systems.

Or was it all a part of Arvind’s plan....

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A Romantic Delight

Books by Soumya P

Fast pace of life has taken a toll on Srishty. Breakup with her boyfriend has added to her woes. To unwind , she embarks on a road trip to the Himalayas.

Meeting new people and visiting hidden places behind the mountains changes her perspective about life. 

Srishty’s life transforms as she experiences love and life , like never before.The magical transformation of Srishty is told effortlessly in the story . The people whom she meets

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