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Tables 1 -10, Practice Book, For age 6-8 yrs

Books by Smart Creator

very good for practising tables 1 to 10. You will find how tables are being formed with the proper fundamentals of table formation

Tables 1 to 10

Practice book for table 1 to 10 with dotted numbers for practice for kids of age 6 - 8 yrs

Kids can practice tables 1 to 10 on dotted numbers and erase it to practice again.

Very good for gifting or return gift option

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Goal To Success

Books by Poonam Bhatt

Often, it happens that, even after working very hard, you are not able to achieve great results for yourself. It is like getting stuck in a work loop (where you work hard) but not getting the desired result.

You lack clarity on what you are running after. So you do one thing one day and the other thing the next day. There is no consistency in your efforts.

This short guide on goal setting can help you do that with ease. It is of less than 120 p

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Number Names 1 -100, Practice Book, For age 4 -7 yrs

Books by Smart Creator

Number names 1 -100

Practice book 

for kids of age 4 - 7 yrs

Very good for gifting or return gift

very good for practicing number names 1 to 100

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My recipes log book, notebook, journal to write my own recipes

Books by Poonam Bhatt

My recipes notebook, logbook, recipes journal, cookbook - A book to write your own favorite recipes - Pass on family recipes to next generation 

Perfect gift for your mother, sister, wife, or person who loves to cook

Beautifully designed 11 pages to write 11 recipes

Page size 5.8 * 5.8

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Life's Forgotten Treasures

By Poonam in Life Journey | Reads: 3,985 | Likes: 5

Naveen and his wife Neeta are living in Mumbai. Naveen is working in an MNC, whereas Neeta is a homemaker. The workload of MNC is higher than its fancy salary. Naveen is always busy with his office work. His meetings start early in the morning. The rest of the day passes in meeting after meeting, s  Read More...

Published on Jun 16,2022 06:39 PM

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