Sukumar Das, born in 1946, a retired IAS officer, author of several books in English and Bengali both, presently spending more time on the path-breaking research work on INDOLOGY.
Sukumar Das, born in 1946, a retired IAS officer, author of several books in English and Bengali both, presently spending more time on the path-breaking research work on INDOLOGY.

The author, though mentally a poet, a litterateur, a historian, now came up with this collection of English Translation of 63 poems of Rabindranath Tagore, the first Nobel Laureate of Asia and outside Europe also [1913] who defied Deaths as that are not the ultimate end of the elan vetal [ the eternal souls, atma], a dearth-defying most powerful poems, may work as an Elixir in the days of mass enslaughts by CORONA on the global mankind. Read More...


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Books by Sukumar Das

This book titled as ‘Beyond the boundaries of lives and deaths’ is another thematic collection of Rabindranath Tagore’s 72 songs and poems, covering a total overview of our existence in the Universe, the tastes of life on Earth, including the pains from deaths and other adversities, and the human efforts to absorb all these socks, that were so far designed by  religious believes, aesthetic philosophies, and relevant schools of theosophy,

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মৃত্যু হতে অমৃতের পথে

Books by সুকুমার দাস

1881 থেকে 1941, ষাটটি  বছরে, মৃত্যুকে দেখেছেন কবি যত রকম করে

-যত পথ দেখিয়েছেন মৃত্যু হতে মুক্তি লভিবারে -

দিয়ে গেনু  সবটাই তেষট্টি টি কবিতায় ভরে II

চতুর্দশ অধ্যায়ে সুগ্রন্

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Books by Sukumar Das

This book, 'Brahma-Tattva Maula Sutra'- contains the carefully selected shlokas to depuct the Core Theosophy of  Vendant, which are available only in a very much selected passages of the mukhya-upanishads. There is still some slight incnsiatencies and defferent explation of the same topic by different Upanishads, mainly becasuse, different persons in dfferent time, wrote UPANISHDIC VERSES AND PROSE, and unike other major Phylosophies OF iNDIA, WHICH WERE

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ব্রহ্ম- তত্ত্ব মৌল-সূত্র

Books by স্বামী ব্রহ্মানন্দ পরমহংস মহারাজ

"ব্রহ্ম-তত্ত্ব মৌলা-সূত্র" একটি 10-বইয়ের সিরিজ হিসাবে পরিকল্পনা করা হয়েছে, যাতে তুলে আনা হয়েছে সেই সব পরম-তত্ত্ব যা আধুনিক অ্যাস্ট্রো-মেকানিক্সের সাথে ধর্মতত্ত্ব, দর্শন এবং জ্

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All Vedic Hindu Gods are of Mesopotamian Origin

Books by Sukumar Das

"Vedic Hinduism" was gaven birth by 1028 Hymns of Rig-Veda, initially written in the 2nd half of the 15th Century BC. Rig-Veda created all major Gods of Vedic Hinduism, who were not at all     "religious persons" by vocation. The Greatest God created by Rig-Veda, Indra, [original name Idrim] a boy of South-Western Iraq, born out of an unmarried mother, killed his biological father, served a long tern of Exile in law-less Habiru-infected land of

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Thou Death, Me Deathless

Books by Sukumar Das

Thou Death, Me Deathless is a thematic collection of Tagore’s best poem of on Death, death related issues, human thoughts to overcome the death-pang-cycle. Author selected the best poems to handle all major issues, 1.The Fact of death & death-pangs on Earth; 2. The eternal cries, not to let anyone go [pass away]; 3.Poems of painful memoirs ; 4. Searching the missing Demised Beloved ; 5. Accepting Death as an Act of God ; 6.Defeat the Deaths and So

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