


Special Statistical Functional Mechanics

Books by A.veerapandiyan

The finding of the gap of distribution of number of particles and the associated functions for the proper linkages of numerical combination give rise to numerous relations of existing things and routes of composition of suitable magnitude of functions.

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The understanding of things according to the arrangement of thoughts

Books by A.veerapandiyan

Truth is mind, mind is the state of energy levels associated with partition function and transition level or band of series of thinking and the spectrum of thought to describe the inner thoughts and dynamics of the body and influence of the light of the knowledge of the world. The ordering of possibility of functional assemblies of event may that to executed by individual effort and the decision of God.

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Books by A.veerapandiyan

Life is incomplete form of art work

No one make the pure form of images in life.

The pure mind fullfill the desire of what he wants

Life is gift of God.

Life is art of mind

Life is art of skill

Life is selection

Life is combination

The result of combination is meanigfull life

And the Love.

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The Immortal Life

Books by A.veerapandiyan

The whole planet the sin disappeared.

For all to changed the good mind and hear and forgot it the love.

God is arrived and all are very happy.

Life entered into the perpetual form of life on the planet.

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The Nose

Books by A.veerapandiyan

Prime numbers

To form composite number

Separated the forms of prime

Then create so many real and imaginary numbers

The numbers will be permutated in the combinations.

Assembly, aggregate, adapt, proliferate

Promote, quelled from the race.

Mix physically

Strengthened mind and body

Succeed what the nature.

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The Self Assembly of Souls

Books by A.veerapandiyan

Good and bad is Good 

If exist in same domain.

Good attract good

Bad attract bad

To form groups of families

Work in its own way

Truth is valid for domain

Truth is truth

But the way is making the untruth.

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Love Today,Past and Future

Books by A.veerapandiyan

The same moonlight, the same breeze, the same flow of river water what we see mentally but not practically in different minds and bodies.

Life is a pure form of thoughts

The complete form of souls

The real form of emotions.

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The Role of Mind and Aware of God

Books by A.veerapandiyan

Creation is in general

Not specific.

Mind is specific,

If they recreate, creation is specific

Human souls want peace of mind

Minds make the morals

Morals obeyed and ruled by God

God is the mind.

Mind is specific

Creation is common.

To make the mind specific

Simple reduction of life, bad minds

And its difficulty.

Blood is revenge.

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Decay and Growth of Evolution

Books by A.veerapandiyan

Life is swimming in air, water, and solid.

If one can balance for all perfectly

If they live

Unless will not.

They sink.

Life is simply working to the consumption of energy


Archimedes’ law of buoyancy.

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Arrival of God

Books by A.veerapandiyan

Revive whole things

Demon evolved infinitely

God is finite.

The infinite form turns into finite after exponential growth.

God will evolve

Infinite form

A new world creates.

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Consequences of Past and Present are Future

Books by A.veerapandiyan

Real and imaginary the past and present and lead the same actions in the future.

Life is the seed of lifeless matter, lifeless matter in the sources of life.

Life and lifeless is the real and imaginary form of reality.

These two revive each other in time, the time is the rival of past, present, and future.

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Mind is Soul

Books by A.veerapandiyan

Religion is a set of beliefs

God is an imaginary part of science.

Science is religion

Religion is science

God is a real part of religion

God is an imaginary part of science.

God is invisible

To make the visible life

Science makes the visibility of things.

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Art of Life and Calculations

Books by A.veerapandiyan

Doing things and learning things

To introduce a way of life and experiences.

Experiences indicate the reality of existence.

For all deviate one another

from basis of last one.

they try to create so many

what possiblities they found from

in his nature of experiences.

what they had.

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Books by A.veerapandiyan

Soul is pure

Prostitution is the destruction of the soul

Or recreation of whole life.

Purity is peace.

Peace is everything.

Prostitution is nothing.

Remain exists 

Pain and suffering

This was a reaction to our actions.

Peace of mind is the harmony of the body.

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Short Notes on Defect in Solids

Books by A.veerapandiyan

Lack is luck

To recreate

Force point

Converge all towards

Create new properties

By change in functions.

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Books by A.veerapandiyan

For all rotate

And slowly inverted.

Then back to real

Keep on moving

Up and down

United by all

And recreate to transform

Space and time.

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Philosophy to Physics and Life

Books by A.veerapandiyan

Life is real

After life is inversion

Finally united by these two.

Life is mutual interaction of 

System and surrounding 

Life force is rotate

Anyone magnitude is zero

For no interactions.

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After Life

Books by A.veerapandiyan

Life is pulse

Slowly get raise

Along with mass of the body.

All the matter doesn’t have life

Life is a ghost force

Exist invisible form

In the visible matter.

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I for Idiot

Books by A.veerapandiyan

Father is energy 
Mother is mass 
Knowledge is both 
God is conserving in between 
The human mind 
For all preserved by nature. 
In space and time.

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The Transformer

Books by A.veerapandiyan

Life is common

Transform so many

Possibilities and time create

Circumstances recreate

Experiences make knowledge

Grow body and mind for all the materials body

In the space.

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The mind

Books by A.veerapandiyan

God is father

They create and make the right structure of life

In the structureless world

Not for one

For all

Only exist the universe.

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Life Theory of Everything

Books by A.veerapandiyan

Life is very beautiful and meaningful for all living things in this earth for all fulfilled by the nature of experiences and knowledge that are all converted to the wealth of knowledge and happiness of mind.

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The Buffoon

Books by A.veerapandiyan

The nature works for only the force of action if you will change it, they will change accordingly what order we given to them.

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Injured and Died

Books by A.veerapandiyan

The life was something very complex to me for that all happens from others and I suffered much on it.

Somehow, I am the precursor of all the complexity but I did not resolve before my young ages.

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Avatars of Tamilnadu

Books by A.veerapandiyan

After the influnces of these two we got the so many broken pieces, the small pieces we never reform present india, but the unity of broken pieces may be rescuing the whole nation.

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Politics and the State of People Life

Books by A.veerapandiyan

Got the children and his needs to propel the life much more pain but not the economy not changed much in my life, but the government revised much on all the taxes on me and others, raised the bus fare, even tea and coffee for all changed around but not changed in my salary past five years, no one ask this, and talk this much.

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Mind of Modern India

Books by A.veerapandiyan

After 1980s and 90s they got good education all around the villages from chief minister of Tamilnadu K. Kamaraj, he opened so many schools every village and many got the free education from own state, they got and expanded rational, correct thought from Periyar, Anna, Kalaigner and others in state.

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Less than is difficult to

Books by A.veerapandiyan

After, I moved closed to her and I kissed her, she did not allow me few minutes and I lost hope, she scold me and fight me very long and I lost the hope of my life and I enterd to leave my home, the end she kissed me a long and I stayed with her for long in my life.

Life yields my own pain along with pain of own wife.

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Notes from underclass people

Books by A.veerapandiyan

We are not allowed equality for all the women for all the jobs and Dalits.

The law will common to all, we will know the real hidden truth of law from own not the today needs for all well formulated before for the uplift the all are equal from partion of soul in the whole system.

The law act as soul of nation.

I want all people to be Indians first, Indians last and nothing else but Indians.

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The hope and hopeless life

Books by A.veerapandiyan

He gone away from temple and early morning he died in his room,

no one noticed it form all at the end the police ended the event these two are as same and linked unknowingly.

God is truth.

He had a hopeless end in his life.

God is great.

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The Queen

Books by A.veerapandiyan

The officers appointed to the investigation of this murder. Whatever we believe in the name of everything from existence and non existences things, one thing to happen in the world that was always man die for anything for all some man beleifs and needs.

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World of the holy redeemers

Books by A.veerapandiyan

They live happily free from any desire of life.

The God will redeem of all only because of mind and activities and the need of human kind.

Please don’t do the name of God, the dividing the peoples, nation and anything from anyone.

The life is like a small boy or girl, they play, eat and sleep between for all our own creation of life game.

We are existing the only because of Game.

For all the creation was the cataly

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The Binary Universes

Books by A.veerapandiyan

One is everything

Zero is something

Binary is infinity

Life is everything

Lifeless is something

Have both are infinity.

Love is everything

Love is something

Love is infinity.

Love is binary

Love is zero

Love is one.

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Books by A.veerapandiyan

We want to make and 

Adjust the 


motion of space and mass

This will allow to live infinity 

We are immortal.

Here is no end for life.

And existences of life, law of conservation,

there is true but the speed to limit

and allow to exists all the things forever in the space.

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In search of Absconded water from earth

Books by A.veerapandiyan

Live water.

Eat water

Bath water.

Everything is water in the world.

The origin to end of the life of the things living things.

Water is life

Life is water.

Save water

Water saves us.

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Talk to God

Books by A.veerapandiyan

God: God is humble and having good heart. They love like a childrens for all every piece of the things in the world.

We need God, God is there because we have lack of hope in life.

God is soul of body and the hope of life for every individual body and mind.

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Books by A.veerapandiyan

End to begin and beginning to end.

They connect cyclically from to there.

They re-create the final to intital they reverse back energy from mass and mass from energy.

They revive and recall, reframe, reshape himself.

And change many

Exists in many for they make it what they like they do all from what they want in the cyle of life physically, chemically, biologically the life supporting system of space and time.


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Free Verse Physics Poem

Books by A.veerapandiyan

The mass may create similar mass

Do similar soul to generate soul.

Life the fusion of both.

Finally, these two are separated

In own form

Mass amd massless form of nature.

The ghost equation is

From Einstein

Energy is equivalent mass 

and velocity squared.

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The Bond between Small and Grand Design of Universe

Books by A.veerapandiyan

Life is finite

Contains infinite events

Events are allowing the nature of existences

They create others and themselves

Recreate similar

And others.

For all create infinite

Simultaneously finite.

Both are not to bound

But themselves reconstruct 

Again, and again similar.

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The free fall

Books by A.veerapandiyan

Concept is something

The things are something

Things are concepts

Concepts to create the things

Both are existing in time

And both are hide in time 

Then they create 

And exist forever

And hide forever

No one is really existed for 


For all illusion between creation and re-creation.

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The magic world

Books by A.veerapandiyan

Life is magic

Creation is magic

Recreation is magic

Energy is magic

Mass is magic

Angular frequency is magic

Frequency is magic

Momentum is magic

Wave vector is magic

Unity form of all the fundamental quantity of physics

Velocity of light is magic.

Simply all magic

For all come and go 

Only the induction of 

Right things in right time.

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Denser form of light:within Planck constant

Books by A.veerapandiyan

To do work need energy

Energy is needed to do work

Both taken from matter real structure and existences

In real world.

If move on into the reciprocal world

They need no work and energy.

Imagine your mind like anything they recreate 

What you like.

Here is no energy and work

They work accordingly any efforts.

No losss, no creation and recreations

Things exist forever.

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Work-Energy certainty and Limitation of Measurements

Books by A.veerapandiyan

Life is limited

We never know after and before

Between for all

Iota allows to inertial world

The gravity would permit

All possibility of mass

All would create whenever

And whereever

The physics could design all

Whenever, they get chances.

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Action and Tendency of Equations

Books by A.veerapandiyan

For all goverened by the 

Physical parameters and 

for all evolved in different things 

in different proportion of parameters.

for all separated exists in space 

in dynamics

Along with 


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The Transformation of Scalar and Vector quantity

Books by A.veerapandiyan

Nothing is fixed

Things are well defined

And redefined.

Everything is changing quantity

No possibility for all

All the existences by chances

From nearby or infinity one

Everything is connected 

And makes the action

Execution from the results 

If they define law of existence

Of nature.

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The Einstein Curvature in Phase Space

Books by A.veerapandiyan

The changes make difference

The position and momentum changes

To give rise to energy.

Energy is driving force of matter

Matter assembles according to energy

The assembly to define the agglomeration

For all associated with different scale in time.

All above exists for all

Faith and respect

One another.

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Admirable Einstein Mind

Books by A.veerapandiyan

Knowledge will condense

And split so many things

For all united by different order

Same meaning in different structure

Different action same pattern

Organize and united in

One structure of maths

They were all combinate 

To shows so many actions in

One bounded space and time.

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The energy and Momentum Transfer Very Small and Large Scale

Books by A.veerapandiyan

Everything closely associated

Working very far

With principles, law and limits

Appears different forms

Final form is same.

Created, recreated by similar

Nothing is escape from time

Time to change all parameters of life

Finally, time is nothing,

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Rhythm of Light

Books by A.veerapandiyan

Motion is everything

The thinge come to close

The things vibrate same

They generate similar pattern of light

If dissimilar

No light they get in, form of heat on matter

Transition and all the discriminations

From heat

Light unites

But heat disunite

For all vibrate dis united things 

The united Light.

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The Reconstruction of Rhythm in matter motion of Infinite Space and Time

Books by A.veerapandiyan

For all to interpenetrate

To pass on new phase-space

Symmetric and Antisymmetric form

Otherwise, Occupied in somewhere within.

Trapped things and radiate directly in form of light.

The change in momentum space stop the light

And start the light

Harmony to start

And disharmony to stop

Through the conduction of matter motion in the space.

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The Quantum State of Work and Energy

Books by A.veerapandiyan

The work is real

The energy is real

The work is imaginary

The energy is imaginary

The both is nothing.

The thing is these two conserves

In the form of closed surfaces

We feel the nature of existences

By the work experiences to

Against applying the energy.

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A Theory of Mixed Symmetry

Books by A.veerapandiyan

Life is impure

Mind make the pure

Both of them pollute each other

Finally separate alone

The pure form of both.


Life is pure

In end.

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A theory of Everything Symmetry and Anti-Symmetry

Books by A.veerapandiyan

The beauty is truth

The truth is beauty

The truth and beauty are existing

  Symmetric and Anti-symmetric form.

For all extending or

Tends to reach nil.

Exists all interior 

Domain of nil.

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The Space and Symmetry

Books by A.veerapandiyan

Repeats for all and separated

Having association at infinity

Finite, dissimilarity dominates.

Needs of strength and stability.

For all united by the higher symmetry.

Appears space-time curvature.

For everything rolling 

The both surfaces 

Inward and outwards. 

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A Beautiful Mind

Books by A,veerapandiyan

Mind stack infinitely

In different form

Rearrange themselves

Forever appear

Never before.

Random have within order

Order ordered in random

Random to separate into order

Order orderd in orderd.

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The Einstein Tensor One of the Beautifull Symmetry in Physics

Books by A.veerapandiyan

Infinite things as reduced

Through manifolds

In form of finite.

And linearly extend

Again infinity.

Both oscillate in length

In pole strength.

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The Relativistic Theory of Spin

Books by A.veerapandiyan

The symmetry is beauty

The orthogonality is  allow to stake the beauty.

These two combine and construct the whole things of nature,

In addition these two allow the spin of the particle and beauty of space  in the  energy in time.

The space and energy in time they decides the structure of universe and  elementary particles space.

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The Resurrection in whole things

Books by A.veerapandiyan

Revivals is the law of nature

Not for all recreate forever

Never we know the nature favour

We all are conserve from revival of nature

Nature is they will exist the revival of body and mind.

Recreation is the chain of action

No bombardment no life

Create and demise

The law of fusion.

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The divine pathway of life

Books by A.veerapandiyan

Life is well defined

For all predetermined and separated

They have own state in space

Never cross each other

Dis-continuous and adjoint if they combinate to real 

and finally, they unite.

Unique, closed

Detached in time.

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Sixteen @ fourteenth march

Books by A.veerapandiyan

Love like a spin of life

It has move up and down

Connect in cells to change identity 

Similar, to make chain of spins for align the force of love

Love attract and then repel 

accordingly, the spin orientation and power of love love 

flip and flop and all make the cicuit of life.

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The facets and symmetry in life

Books by A.veerapandiyan

Life is ideal

Having so many facets in life

All the facets to give unique Knowledge

Separated by time,

To grow so many events assembly

Connect and disconnect

Make the so many routes

All events are leading the new paths

Produces the so many patterns and symmetry,

Finally, they will end nothing.

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Simply Events for All

Books by A.veerapandiyan

Life is filled by events

The group of events,

We are called as life.

Life is simply move 

Vital force of motion.

The occurrence of events

Recur infinite year

The finite life renews

Life of infinite dimensions.

We may not get what we get before

May, we get similar pattern

If things to go

Not return.

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Restless Motion

Books by A.veerapandiyan

Things are diffuse 

And appears so many.

Anything shifts second order

From first order.

Higher order always very higher

Geometry.Could see need order mind

To make order.

Well ordered nature.

Future will change many

All of them appears 

The fusion of known.

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The Remake of Nature

Books by A.veerapandiyan

Nature is infinity
We are finite,

The finite things made up of infinity.

Quality is unique and quantity innumerable

All are similar, differeing much in only a space

The space-time designing all the things

The energy and mass are similar.

Space makes dissimilar.

Create and re-creates its own

Known things, unknown forms.

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The Composition of Mathematical Functions

Books by A.veerapandiyan

Function is act finite

Act infinite.

Finite cut the infinite 

And make the finite in some points

Finite travel along infinite.

To make the functions

Similar structure.

For all those combine to create so many things. 

For all from the simple known functional creation of things.

From the known function of maths.

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The Uniformity of Dynamics in Nature

Books by A.veerapandiyan

Uniformity is colorless

Makes integrity,love,

And color in life.

Decompose so many things

And compose simple things

Things appears many forms

Almost have all within nothing

Nothing creates things

Things create Nothing

Things created by the mind

Mind creates the so many things

The matter is, the mind generates the

Things, the things generate the minds

Both te

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A lovely melody in physics

Books by A.veerapandiyan

Think gently

Think life, love, physics and philosophy

Life kill and gives

Gives after they will kill.

Whatever exists as same before or fully never

We never change it all whatever had before

Live as it is what force you were to bring 

Get in with all your mind

The time, Hide the past

Delay appears present, After

Open the future

Don’t push your mind aside the worl

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The classic restless universe

Books by A.veerapandiyan

Life pulse is rise on axis

in both ends. Singularity,

It will lift you otherwise

In same direction pull you.

Whoever emit in his life in time

Like star, after they will

Hide, life will fade.

Will not re-appear.

Things are generating and then close.

To start life.

Open right time and close our life

Life will react with reactants like

Break all for opening of new life

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The eternal love

Books by A.veerapandiyan

Love is scattering for everywhere

Like light.

When touch upon heart

After diffuse then shows

The spectrum of love in life.

The intense of love and affinity

Accounted by shift, blue shift-

Movement of love towards the observer, red shift-

Movement of love away from the observer.

Love oscillates blue and red in visible life.

Life will start initially blue after end the red.


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The elegant ideas in physics

Books by A.veerapandiyan

We know things, 

Through - we finding unknown.No doubt,

About the nature of findings.

Similar, the functions are depending

Or independent one another.

Some way we are composing all in one single function,

Small changes we infer from function: depend - independent,

The small changes lead to origin of new function.

The new function having slightly new pattern of old one

Keep on changing

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