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Chair Yoga for Weight Loss

Books by Indian Fitness

Are you ready to embark on an extraordinary journey towards a healthier, slimmer, and more joyful you?

Look no further! "Chair Yoga for Weight Loss" is your ultimate practical guide to transform your body and spirit in just 28 days.

This book will help you to:

50+ Transformative Chair Yoga Exercises: Discover a wide range of chair yoga poses and movements, each carefully selected to target stubborn fat, tone muscles, and enhance overall

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Wall Pilates

Books by Indian Fitness

Transform Your Body and Mind with Wall Pilates Workouts: Enhance Your Strength, Flexibility, and Well-being

Are you tired of the same old workout routines that leave you feeling bored and uninspired?

Look no further than Wall Pilates Workouts, a revolutionary approach to exercise that will transform your physical and mental well-being.

About This Book:

✔️ Enhance Your Strength: Unlock the potential of your muscles a

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Strength Training Over 40

Books by Alessandro Villanucci

Worried that your body is not as strong and healthy as in your 20s?

Would you love to begin your fitness journey but don't know where to start?

If the answer is YES, this book is for YOU!

Simply put, this book will be your Personal Trainer.

By applying these guidelines you will be

This book is designed to help people over 40 to prevent diseases, decline in metabolism le

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Dark Psychology

Books by Louis Convert

What If You Could Influence Other People to Do Exactly What You Want Without Them Knowing? But is it possible? This book "Dark Psychology" opens the doors to the most well-kept secrets of our brain and way of thinking.

Nobody is immune to manipulation, but there are ways you can stop manipulation dead in its tracks!

Whether you are at your workplace, social setting, family functions, outdoors, and even among friends you need to be able t

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Manipulation and Dark Psychology

Books by Will Hawkins

STOP BEING MANIPULATED and keep reading…

Has someone ever taken advantage of you for their benefit?

Are you tired of being prey to emotional predators and manipulators close to you?

Learn what the psychological traits and drivers of these toxic and dangerous people are in order to be able to defend yourself from them from now on Today, due to various factors, we live in a world where lying is the order of the day

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Bariatric Air Fryer Cookbook

Books by Samantha Smyth

Did you undergo bariatric surgery?

Tired of cooking and eating the same things?
Has your partner had surgery and you would like to support him by preparing healthy dishes without sacrificing taste?
Losing pounds is no guarantee for happiness, for this reason, we must seek a way to follow healthy eating that is sustainable over time on an also emotional level.

This cookbook

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How to Analyze People with Dark Psychology

Books by Will Hawkins

 STOP BEING MANIPULATED and keep reading…

Are you tired of being prey to emotional predators and manipulators close to you?

Learn what the psychological traits and drivers of these toxic and dangerous people are in order to be able to defend yourself from them from now on Today, due to various factors, we live in a world where lying is the order of the day.

Most people have difficulty recog

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