Sohini Dutt

I am Sohini Dutt, an alumni of Miranda House, the University of Delhi. I am a writer of various literary genres including poetry, horror fiction, research articles and travel diaries.
I am Sohini Dutt, an alumni of Miranda House, the University of Delhi. I am a writer of various literary genres including poetry, horror fiction, research articles and travel diaries.

Ms Sohini Dutt belongs to the beauteous state of Assam, from NorthEast India. She is an alumni of Miranda House, University of Delhi. As a student, she has been an active volunteer in several youth organizations like the World Youth Council and Net Impact, Delhi University. She has been a literature buff since her school years and English as a subject has always been her most loved.  She is a published WordPress blogger since more than two years now, writing on a plethora of content including poetry, travel diaries, horror fiction, myth busters and research articles. She has earned an internaRead More...


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Cruise through love

Books by Sohini Dutt

This book bears sheer testimony to all experiences of mine, and (hopefully) scrupulously highlights the journey and growth, from a phase of misery and hopelessness, to a phase of reckoning, and maturity- a steady but worthwhile realization of the need for loving the self, before giving it all to a stranger who has just been a day’s friend.

Even though affection is bound to develop more than once, knowing one’s worth is of supreme importance

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Reflections of the self

Books by Sohini Dutt

This  book lends a glimpse into the personal experiences and self-reflections of the author, as such events significantly shape her creative imagination and view of the world. A careful but interesting amalgamation of poetry and narrative accounts, this book leads the readers to relate to their inner most selves, as the themes touch upon the most common aspects of human life. 

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An Ambiguous Love

Books by Sohini Dutt

London's bestselling author Jonathan Williams, has several novels to his credit, all of which have been translated into several languages and have sold over a million copies worldwide. Interviewers can't get enough of him and he is on the cover of every popular magazine. However, things come to a halt when he decides to take a break from all the glamour and focus on his personal problems. He has everything in life- money, fame and success. But the constant voi

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The Ghastly Secret

Books by Sohini Dutt

The story is set in the city of San Antonio, Texas in the United States of America, during the time of the 1980s. The protagonist, Dylan Johnson, is a man in his late twenties working as an assistant professor at the Department of Geology, at the University of Texas. After moving from his hometown in Bloomington, he rents an apartment with Blake Walker, who eventually becomes his confidant and a bosom buddy. While Dylan is described as a reticent and timid man

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The Strange Fanatic

Books by Sohini Dutt

Set in the West Midlands, Birmingham, the story revolves around the family of Masons, the most prosperous and reputed family in town. Things take a setback as on the evening of Christmas Eve, Maria Mason, the daughter in law of Barbara Mason, goes missing. Authorities find no evidence worth suspicion and the Masons are left in agony and distress, especially Maria's husband, Jacob. It is however after nearly half a month, that the authorities confirm about Mari

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The Cryptic Night of December

Books by Sohini Dutt

The story is set in the picturesque suburb of Clifton, Bristol during the harsh winter month of December. Olivia Brown and her younger sister Lorraine had been living in their new home, after their parents passed away in what their neighbor calls a car accident. They were too young to remember anything and their elder brother Liam thought it best to get shifted to a new place, so as to not trigger the old memories. However, it was just within a month of their

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The Unknown

By Sohini Dutt in Crime Thriller | Reads: 3,167 | Likes: 0

January 1886, New York, Maiden lane, A brutal disclosure unfurls in the city. Three murder cases in a single day and the authorities stand dazed and bewildered confused. Zero eye witnesses, dead of the night and three lost lives. No one could recall the anonymous killer in the freezing cold of New Y  Read More...

Published on Jul 5,2022 10:12 AM

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