About Author SHIVANSH SHARMA, SHIVANSH SHARMA, is a 2010 born, currently studying in sixth grade. His father encouraged him, because he is also a writer. He is passionate about Indian history, mythology, and archeological knowledge. 'RUDRAM, A king
About Author SHIVANSH SHARMA, SHIVANSH SHARMA, is a 2010 born, currently studying in sixth grade. His father encouraged him, because he is also a writer. He is passionate about Indian history, mythology, and archeological knowledge. 'RUDRAM, A king

About Author SHIVANSH SHARMA, SHIVANSH SHARMA, is a 2010 born, currently studying in sixth grade. His father encouraged him, because he is also a writer. He is passionate about Indian history, mythology, and archeological knowledge. 'Rudram. A king of a mysterious planet’ is the first book of Shivansh. In two languages, English as well as Hindi. Shivansh lives in Mumbai with his parents.Read More...


Rudram - Protector of the Universe

Books by Shivansh Sharma

In this book :- RUDRAM - Protector of the Universe

“The Demon wanted to come out of the prison house of sin world, to take over the new earth. But Rudram’s bravery forced him to become a prisoner in the Netherworld again. But Demons, vampires, and devils can ambush at any time. But the savior and the warrior do not bow their heads before the devil under any circumstances. Sacrifice everywhere for the sake of goodwill and Dharma. And Rudram&

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रूद्रम - ब्रह्मांड का रक्षक

Books by शिवांश शर्मा

In this book... रूद्रम - ब्रह्मांड का रक्षक

'दानव पाप लोक के बंदी गृह से निकल कर नई पृथ्वी पर अधिकार करना चाहता था। परंतु रूद्रम के पराक्रम ने उसे पुनः पाताल लोक में बंदी बनने पर विवश कर द

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RUDRAM A king of a mysterious planet

Books by Shivansh Sharma

“The one who gets scared after seeing death in front, that is not worth being a warrior. When blood flows from the body, then the history is made.

Even the creation has fought with their own creator to save their near and dear ones. Because as well all know that struggle is the first step of creating history.

Now let’s see which path Rudram chooses to fight and get what he wants or to back off, he lost everything or gained.”

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Books by शिवांश शर्मा

“एक जिंदगी ही बहुत होती है कुछ करने के लिए। रूद्रम ने ना लड़ना छोड़ा और ना हार मानी। मृत्यु सामने देखकर जो भयभीत हो जाए वो योद्धा नहीं हो सकता।

जब शरीर से रक्त बहता हैं तभी तो

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