Rushi Nimmala



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காகித மொட்டுக்கள்

Books by நாவரசன் ருஷி

கவிதை, தாளம், மொழி மற்றும் உணர்ச்சிகளின் கலை, ஒரு பக்கத்தில் வெறும் வார்த்தைகளைக் கடந்து செல்கிறது. இது மனித அனுபவத்தின் ஆழமான வெளிப்பாடு, ஆன்மாவைத் தொடும் வசனங்களாக வடிக்

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நட்சத்திர ஒளி

Books by ருஷி

கவிதை என்பது சொர்க்கத்தின் நுழைவாயில், நம் எழுத்தில் சிறந்த கவிதைகள் மூலம் வாசகர்களை நுழைப்போம்.

எழுத்தாளர் பற்றி

ருஷி, புனைகதை, கற்பனை மற்றும் அறிவியல் இலக்கியங்கள

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Eggs of wisdom

Books by Rushi Nimmala

The black cloud spread like jam on freshly baked bread, there was a hole in the cloud group at the edge, the face of the mighty sun shone with a ring, orange and yellow rays scattered across the sky, the nearby clouds sparkled like fire.

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மனதின் முனைகள்

Books by ருஷி நிம்மலா

வணக்கம், தமிழ் கவித்துவம் என்னும் மாளிகைக்கு அனைவரையும் வரவேற்கிறோம். இனிய வரிகளால் கொடிய எண்ணங்களை கவித்துவம் மூலம் அழித்துக் கொள்ளுதல் மனித இயல்பு. எத்தகைய துன்பமாயின

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Lost Visitors - Full Volume Edition

Books by Rushi Nimmala

James Watson receives a handbag from an unknown sender, he finds many astonishing things in the bag, and there he is able to perform miracles with it, he receives a phone call from the director of AMED, the secret agency to whom and where the bag actually belongs to, James visits the place to return the bag back to the director, but, there, he meets Emma Carter, the daughter of the owner of the bag, who came there to ask the director to search for her father w

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A collection of short stories

Books by Rushi Nimmala

Ranga Shastry is the most respected old man and his family has a huge respect. His son Anand is a pious devotee of Lord Vishnu as his father. Anand Shastry would go to the temple and perform religious ceremonies there, all the devotees respected him, then he would go to work,. He had a wife and son, and he too has the common problem a normal family man would have. But, he devoted himself to Vishnu and prayed daily. His salary is not enough to get all homely ex

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Circular Squares

Books by Rushi Nimmala

This book is a collection of narratives that I penned since I was twelve (2017-2018). Though lots of it has been lost, I had the tale firmly in my mind and I rewritten them in order to publish the book. Many people will have a wonderful experience in their school since lots of people around them flanked them, and also, they were sociable. I too was sociable since I was eleven, since when it closely attached me to the habit of writing tales.

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The Temple of Khaten

Books by Rushi Nimmala

The most waited conclusion to the story is here, James and Emma finally reach the most secret destination that none would have imagined, and there they come to know the cruellest betrayal in the world. They meet their at most enemy at the place where they are ought to be, the secret temple of the forgotten pharaoh, they are faced with their enemy eye to eye, the alien, and they at the time find their key to everything.

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the pathway of truth

Books by Rushi Nimmala

James Watson receives a handbag from an unknown sender, he finds many astonishing things in the bag, and there he is able to perform miracles with it, he receives a phone call from the director of AMED, the secret agency to whom and where the bag actually belongs to, James visits the place to return the bag back to the director, but, there, he meets Emma Carter, the daughter of the owner of the bag, who came there to ask the director to search for her father w

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Love you moon!

Books by Vishal Kumaran

“Jean, mum is calling”, said Lucien as he looked up to his brother, Jean, who has returned home after he left for delivering in the morning, now, Jean looked exhausted, he walked into the place which he owned every right to, a woman stood staring at him without moving eyes, her eyes were red as cherry and represented fury, a tsunami of anger is being entrapped in her face, her eyes frowned tightly, and her lips being pressed by her teeth like a cat

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Fall of Godwin

Books by Rushi Nimmala

The boldest disaster is coming towards the wealthy city Godwin, Edith, a soothsayer sees that and tells her prophecy, but none are ready to believe her, the safety of the people are upon her, will she saves them or the disaster annihilates them.

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By Rushi Nimmala in Young Adult Fiction | Reads: 1,501 | Likes: 0

Just one stop he had to wait. Mr Dharmalingam was standing in that bus and was travelling to some place he was eager to visit. The road was full of speed breakers, making him bounce up and down. His mother, Mangammal, a ninety-year-old woman, was seated on the conductor's seat as all other seats wer  Read More...

Published on Oct 8,2022 07:03 PM

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Rushi Nimmala's Author Page - Notion Press | India's largest book publisher

Rushi Nimmala



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காகித மொட்டுக்கள்

Books by நாவரசன் ருஷி

கவிதை, தாளம், மொழி மற்றும் உணர்ச்சிகளின் கலை, ஒரு பக்கத்தில் வெறும் வார்த்தைகளைக் கடந்து செல்கிறது. இது மனித அனுபவத்தின் ஆழமான வெளிப்பாடு, ஆன்மாவைத் தொடும் வசனங்களாக வடிக்

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நட்சத்திர ஒளி

Books by ருஷி

கவிதை என்பது சொர்க்கத்தின் நுழைவாயில், நம் எழுத்தில் சிறந்த கவிதைகள் மூலம் வாசகர்களை நுழைப்போம்.

எழுத்தாளர் பற்றி

ருஷி, புனைகதை, கற்பனை மற்றும் அறிவியல் இலக்கியங்கள

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Eggs of wisdom

Books by Rushi Nimmala

The black cloud spread like jam on freshly baked bread, there was a hole in the cloud group at the edge, the face of the mighty sun shone with a ring, orange and yellow rays scattered across the sky, the nearby clouds sparkled like fire.

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மனதின் முனைகள்

Books by ருஷி நிம்மலா

வணக்கம், தமிழ் கவித்துவம் என்னும் மாளிகைக்கு அனைவரையும் வரவேற்கிறோம். இனிய வரிகளால் கொடிய எண்ணங்களை கவித்துவம் மூலம் அழித்துக் கொள்ளுதல் மனித இயல்பு. எத்தகைய துன்பமாயின

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Lost Visitors - Full Volume Edition

Books by Rushi Nimmala

James Watson receives a handbag from an unknown sender, he finds many astonishing things in the bag, and there he is able to perform miracles with it, he receives a phone call from the director of AMED, the secret agency to whom and where the bag actually belongs to, James visits the place to return the bag back to the director, but, there, he meets Emma Carter, the daughter of the owner of the bag, who came there to ask the director to search for her father w

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A collection of short stories

Books by Rushi Nimmala

Ranga Shastry is the most respected old man and his family has a huge respect. His son Anand is a pious devotee of Lord Vishnu as his father. Anand Shastry would go to the temple and perform religious ceremonies there, all the devotees respected him, then he would go to work,. He had a wife and son, and he too has the common problem a normal family man would have. But, he devoted himself to Vishnu and prayed daily. His salary is not enough to get all homely ex

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Circular Squares

Books by Rushi Nimmala

This book is a collection of narratives that I penned since I was twelve (2017-2018). Though lots of it has been lost, I had the tale firmly in my mind and I rewritten them in order to publish the book. Many people will have a wonderful experience in their school since lots of people around them flanked them, and also, they were sociable. I too was sociable since I was eleven, since when it closely attached me to the habit of writing tales.

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The Temple of Khaten

Books by Rushi Nimmala

The most waited conclusion to the story is here, James and Emma finally reach the most secret destination that none would have imagined, and there they come to know the cruellest betrayal in the world. They meet their at most enemy at the place where they are ought to be, the secret temple of the forgotten pharaoh, they are faced with their enemy eye to eye, the alien, and they at the time find their key to everything.

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the pathway of truth

Books by Rushi Nimmala

James Watson receives a handbag from an unknown sender, he finds many astonishing things in the bag, and there he is able to perform miracles with it, he receives a phone call from the director of AMED, the secret agency to whom and where the bag actually belongs to, James visits the place to return the bag back to the director, but, there, he meets Emma Carter, the daughter of the owner of the bag, who came there to ask the director to search for her father w

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Love you moon!

Books by Vishal Kumaran

“Jean, mum is calling”, said Lucien as he looked up to his brother, Jean, who has returned home after he left for delivering in the morning, now, Jean looked exhausted, he walked into the place which he owned every right to, a woman stood staring at him without moving eyes, her eyes were red as cherry and represented fury, a tsunami of anger is being entrapped in her face, her eyes frowned tightly, and her lips being pressed by her teeth like a cat

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Fall of Godwin

Books by Rushi Nimmala

The boldest disaster is coming towards the wealthy city Godwin, Edith, a soothsayer sees that and tells her prophecy, but none are ready to believe her, the safety of the people are upon her, will she saves them or the disaster annihilates them.

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By Rushi Nimmala in Young Adult Fiction | Reads: 1,501 | Likes: 0

Just one stop he had to wait. Mr Dharmalingam was standing in that bus and was travelling to some place he was eager to visit. The road was full of speed breakers, making him bounce up and down. His mother, Mangammal, a ninety-year-old woman, was seated on the conductor's seat as all other seats wer  Read More...

Published on Oct 8,2022 07:03 PM

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