Krish Chitroda

Fiction Writer
Fiction Writer

Krish Chitroda started writing his very first fictional story “The Secrets of Atlantis” when he was in his 11th grade and was published on August, 2021. A beginner writer can use many ideas/prompts from his book, "95 Story Writing Prompts", to come up with a beautiful story which was his most selling book around the globe. He's about to publish a fictional novel which is about teenagers of  today's  generation.Read More...


95 Story Writing Prompts

Books by Krish Chitroda

Several ideas  on different generes to create your own story which will further help you to write your own book.

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The Secrets Of Atlantis

Books by Krish Chitroda

Atlantis is a fictional island mentioned in an allegory on the hubris of nations in Plato's work Timaeus and Critias. This book contains various theories discussed regarding the disappearance of the kingdom of Atlantis.

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The Damned Thing

By Krish Chitroda in Horror | Reads: 2,829 | Likes: 1

ONE DOES NOT ALWAYS EAT WHAT IS ON THE TABLE By the light of a tallow candle which had been placed on one end of a rough table a man was reading something written in a book. It was an old account book, greatly worn; and the writing was not, apparently, very legible, for the man sometimes held the pa  Read More...

Published on Jul 2,2022 04:03 PM

Nefarious Games

By Krish Chitroda in Crime Thriller | Reads: 2,900 | Likes: 2

It was a usual Saturday morning, I was in a grocery store standing in a queue with some eggs and some some random monthly magazine I found to buy. I had my earphones plugged in, just enjoying the music playing and the warm weather. As I stood waiting a young girl probably in her 20s approached me. S  Read More...

Published on Jul 2,2022 03:26 PM

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