Biswajeet Senapati


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What if I had 26 hours a day

Books by Biswajeet Senapati & Dr. Sharda Acharya, Dr. Sharda Acharya

Can you really manage time? The ticking of the clock is beyond our influence, despite this, we find ourselves constantly in pursuit of time: seeking more hours in the day, trying to "find time" for important activities, or lamenting how time slips away too quickly. But in this pursuit, we often miss the point. The one thing we can manage is not time itself, but our relationship with time - how we choose to allocate it and what we allow it to define in our live

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What if I had 26 hours a day

Books by Biswajeet Senapati & Dr. Sharda Acharya, Dr. Sharda Acharya

Can you really manage time? The ticking of the clock is beyond our influence, despite this, we find ourselves constantly in pursuit of time: seeking more hours in the day, trying to "find time" for important activities, or lamenting how time slips away too quickly. But in this pursuit, we often miss the point. The one thing we can manage is not time itself, but our relationship with time - how we choose to allocate it and what we allow it to define in our live

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When Your Kids Grow Older Than You!

Books by Biswajeet Senapati

Raising kids is one process which never ends in a parent’s life. Do you face the following questions in everyday as a parent.

· Should I not fulfil my kids demands?

· How do I inculcate values in my kids?

· Why don’t my kids listen to me?

· How do I select the best school for my kid?

· How do I prepare my kid properly for the exam?

· How can I make my kid inde

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What If: Marriages were not made in heaven

By Biswajeet Senapati in True Story | Reads: 49,480 | Likes: 2,716

Love at first sight When I saw her for the first time, I knew we were made for each other. I think this happens to 100% teenagers and they call it one hundred percent one sided true love. Few would say - this is nothing but hormonal rush. Others would say, this is nothing but physical attraction. Bu  Read More...

Published on Jun 20,2022 05:23 PM

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