Biswajeet Senapati


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When Your Kids Grow Older Than You!

Books by Biswajeet Senapati

Raising kids is one process which never ends in a parent’s life. Do you face the following questions in everyday as a parent.

· Should I not fulfil my kids demands?

· How do I inculcate values in my kids?

· Why don’t my kids listen to me?

· How do I select the best school for my kid?

· How do I prepare my kid properly for the exam?

· How can I make my kid inde

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What If: Marriages were not made in heaven

By Biswajeet Senapati in True Story | Reads: 48,817 | Likes: 2,716

Love at first sight When I saw her for the first time, I knew we were made for each other. I think this happens to 100% teenagers and they call it one hundred percent one sided true love. Few would say - this is nothing but hormonal rush. Others would say, this is nothing but physical attraction. Bu  Read More...

Published on Jun 20,2022 05:23 PM

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