Ashok Kumawat

Public Speaker & Writer
Public Speaker & Writer

Ashok Kumawat was born in 1998 in Emri, a small village in the state of Rajasthan, India. He started writing from college life itself. He completed his education from government schools and colleges. He completed his master's degree in chemistry in 2021. He was always very smart in studies. He chose the medium of writing to do public service. He started writing in the last semester of his master's degree. He has written many books till now. It has always been his dream that more and more people read the books written by him. He wants people to be inspired by his books, he should bring some gooRead More...


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फ्रॉम द डायरी ऑफ ए मिडिल क्लास बॉय

By Ashok Kumawat in Young Adult Fiction | Reads: 1,392 | Likes: 0

4 अगस्त 2018 आज घर से मेरा विदाई का दिन था | मेरा कॉलेज में एडमिशन हुए 4 दिन ही हुए थे पर पापा को लगने लगा कि अब कॉलेज में पढ  Read More...

Published on Oct 15,2022 06:56 PM

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