chandra Gupta

Author, Super memory guru
Author, Super memory guru

Chandra Gupta is a highly accomplished and respected figure in the fields of psychology, personal development, and self-improvement. As a "super memory guru," Chandra Gupta has dedicated his career to helping others unlock their full potential and live their best lives. With a strong background in psychology and a deep understanding of the human mind and emotions, Chandra is known for his ability to empower others to make positive changes in their lives. Through his seminars, workshops, and coaching sessions, Chandra helps people develop the skills and strategies they need to manage their timeRead More...


Your Unlimited Future

Books by Chandra Gupta

In a world full of limitless opportunities, our growth can often be limited by the restrictions we place on ourselves. We tell ourselves that we are too old, too young, or too late to go out on new opportunities and chase the things we want. What if I told you that these restrictions are only false perceptions? What if I told you the truth that is the foundation of who we are? The opportunities for you are limitless.

"Your Unlimited Future," a game-cha

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Football Dreams and Obstacles

Books by Chandra Gupta

This is A guide for those passionate about football who want to make a career in this beautiful sport. After researching and understanding the deep infrastructure and system of Indian football, I am proud to have written this book as a perfect guide for beginners and aspiring footballers. This book is the result of my love for the sport and my desire to help others achieve their dreams of becoming successful footballers.

While writing this book, I have

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Books by Chandra Gupta

There will be only a rare person in life who does not get angry or does not get upset in life. This book is for people who can see anger as a "power." In reality, anger is seen as a negative image in this world. But believe me, after reading this book, your attitude toward anger will change. After churning through life, it becomes apparent that a person is surrounded by many kinds of troubles that make him angry, which creates fire in him. This fire is called

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क्रोध की शक्ति’

Books by चंद्र गुप्ता

क्रोध एक ऐसी शक्ति है जो निर्माण कर सकती है और विध्वंस का भी कारण बन सकती है, खुद को संभालना हर किसी के बस की बात नहीं होती है क्रोध को अंदर रखने के अपने ही दुष्परिणाम होते हैं.  क्

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The Lion’s Way

Books by Chandra Gupta

Friends, the Aggression, fearlessness, and power of the lion attract everyone towards him. A lot can be learned from the life of a lion. Through this book, you will get to learn those valuable qualities from the life of a lion, which will bring amazing changes in your life.

Like a lion lives its life with courage and respect. Similarly, every person wants people to remember him like a lion. Living the life of a lion is possible only when you know the q

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शेर का रास्ता

Books by चंद्र गुप्ता

दोस्तों शेर की आक्रामकता, निर्भयता और शक्ति सभी को अपनी ओर आकर्षित करती है। शेर के जीवन से बहुत कुछ सीखा जा सकता है। इस किताब के माध्यम से शेर के जीवन से वह बहुमूल्य गुण आपको सीखने

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सकारात्मक लीडर बनें।

Books by चंद्र गुप्ता

यह किताब कॉर्पोरेट की जिंदगी जीने वाले उन लीडर को समर्पित है, जो दिल जान लगाकर अपना कीमती समय कंपनी को देते है। समय-समय पर उनमे भी नकारात्मकता आ ही जाती है, यह किताब उन्हें जीवन मे

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