Anthony Ekanem

Management Consultant, Writer, and Author
Management Consultant, Writer, and Author

Anthony Ekanem is a Management Consultant, Researcher, Writer, and Author. He writes mostly non-fiction books, ranging from personal finance to self-help to personal development. You can follow him on Twitter at More...


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Healthy Living Tips for Everybody

Books by Anthony Ekanem

You can become a healthier, happier and more successful person by making a few simple changes to your lifestyle. You will have to make changes to the overall you, not just change the amount of exercise you do or your diet. The secret to achieving happiness and a healthier you is to balance your body and mind in harmony.  It is only when we are balanced in physical, mental and spiritual health that we are truly healthy. If we are healthy, then we are happi

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Parenting 101

Books by Anthony Ekanem

Those of us who have children know how special they are in our lives and how we would not trade them for anything in the world or the world itself. However, sometimes you have certain things you need to do that you cannot take your child with you to do. A perfect example of this would be work or an interview. A simple solution to a problem like that is to enrol your child into some sort of childcare programme.

Today, it is important to be extremely cau

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Work-from-Home Business Ideas for Everybody

Books by Anthony Ekanem

It doesn’t matter whether you’re fed up with working outside the home or you’re just ready to make some extra money, the opportunities available for work-from-home men and women can prove incredible. If you’re holding back out of fear that your skills aren’t honed enough to turn dreams into reality, relax!  Even women who lack degrees or high-priced “career skills” will find there are plenty of options for launchi

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Online Dating Guide for Love Seekers

Books by Anthony Ekanem

Online dating is not all fun and games and there are a lot of things that a person has to know about online dating before one gets into the intricacies of it. Online dating may seem to be the simplest thing in the world but it is not. It should be viewed in all earnestness or things could go haywire. Every game has its rules; unless you know all the rules, you can’t become a good player and eventually a winner. 

There are so many kinds of pe

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Bedroom Secrets for Men

Books by Anthony Ekanem

The need to write this report arose because I wanted to help married men and women enjoy intimacy with their spouses. One of the most common reasons why marriages fail these days is the lack of sexual satisfaction by either of the spouses. 

Experts say sex is very key to maintaining successful marital relationships. There are so many benefits to being intimate in your marital relationship. Interestingly, there are health and emotional benefits att

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How to Save Your Relationship

Books by Anthony Ekanem

Even the happiest relationships go through troubled periods. Life is so full of change and uncertainties, and these can certainly put relationships to the test.

This book aims to help people who are facing difficulties in their relationships and need help with how to get things back on track. You may be considering if you even want to stay in the relationship at all. This book will help you consider your options and think everything through before walk

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How to Live a Productive Life

Books by Anthony Ekanem

A great place to start is to remove those difficult decisions that are taking up our ‘mental bandwidth’. Many of us think that the big ‘limit’ on our ability to get things done is time. We all make the excuse that we don’t exercise because we don’t have time and that we don’t do more with the family because we don’t have time. That’s not true. If you think back to all of those times in your life when you&rs

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List Building Techniques for Internet Marketers

Books by Anthony Ekanem

Emails are replacing regular mail from the post office. Not only because it is cheaper since you do not need to buy a stamp, but it’s also definitely faster. Emails can be sent in as fast as five seconds, depending on the server, anywhere in the world. No doubt, emails are being used to distribute newsletters, promotional emails, and other stuff. How then would you be able to round up email addresses to send those marketing emails you have?  Here is

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How to Choose Your Child’s School

Books by Anthony Ekanem

Having a good education is very important, as it will eventually contribute positively to a better life for the individual. Therefore, most parents take the trouble and time to search for the best school for their children to ensure a good start in life. 

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Business Outsourcing Strategies that Work

Books by Anthony Ekanem

Outsourcing is the movement of a workload to another source which can assist in that area for an agreed price either as a one-time service or as an ongoing complementing service. In doing so, the principal company can effectively save time, and get the staff to be more committed and speedier work results. 

The essence of outsourcing is simply engaging the services of an individual or organization outside your full-time staff to handle certain aspe

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Introduction to Organic Gardening

Books by Anthony Ekanem

For some people, gardening is a passion. Some people garden just as a hobby. For still others, it’s a way to feed their families. We think Shirley MacClaine’s character in “Steel Magnolias” said it best. “Because that’s what Southern women do – we wear funny hats and grow things in the dirt.”

You don’t have to be from the South or be a woman, or even wear a funny hat to enjoy gardening. The thrill o

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Self-Improvement and Motivational Tips for Success

Books by Anthony Ekanem

We all have formed our definitions of happiness right from childhood. A lot of these perceptions are because of conditioned development, that is, they are a part of our habits due to repetitive inculcation by parents, teachers and society in general. That is why none of us has pondered about what exactly makes us feel happy! This feeling has been left to our sub-conscience and we simply feel happiness according to the situation we are in. 

A lot o

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You Can Overcome That Addiction

Books by Anthony Ekanem

When you are suffering from an addiction, it can feel like your entire life is out of control and you have no power to overcome it. When you are addicted to something, it can also feel like you’re completely alone and have nowhere to turn. These are all common mindsets for someone who has an addiction to any substance, whether that is food, cigarettes or other tobacco products, alcohol, prescription, or illegal drugs or even sex. But neither are you alon

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Interpersonal Skills in the Workplace

Books by Anthony Ekanem

Probably more people than you know spend the majority of their life and time working with others in an employment-related situation. And these people don’t get to pick who their co-workers are. Unfortunately, not everyone knows how to get along with others. This can lead to all kinds of difficult situations, making it almost impossible to get through the day successfully.

Working well with others is crucial in any situation. It is even more impor

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You Can Make It Work

Books by Anthony Ekanem

Man and woman were created to be physically attracted to each other, irrespective of their looks, stature, colour, or other qualities that differentiate one person from another.  What causes attraction between the opposite sex is in-built into man (man and woman) from creation.  This is why couples fall in love with each other and later get married – just as it was intended by God, the Creator.

However, “many couples fall in love,

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How to Lose Belly Fat

Books by Anthony Ekanem

Abdominal obesity, also known as central obesity, is something that many people worldwide have problems with. Once they hit middle age, many people are plagued by those two dreaded words, belly fat. It can, however, also be a problem for children and teens. 

People just look at it as a weight problem, but it can also be linked to cardiovascular disease, Alzheimer’s disease, and many other metabolic and vascular diseases. 


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The Art of Foreplay

Books by Anthony Ekanem

The purpose of this book is to teach you how to put a woman in the mood for sex, so she will desire to have sex with you over and again. If you are a man who has difficulty connecting with your woman sexually, this book will help you to overcome that.

Foreplay is one thing all women cannot get enough of. Women are very emotional, and that is why they like, enjoy and always desire foreplay.  So, your duty as a man is to give your woman what she wan

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Sex Tricks Every Man Should Master

Books by Anthony Ekanem

The main aim of this material is to give you a summarized version of 10 different things you should know and do to give you and your partner an unforgettable experience each time you are making love.

In this book, you will learn things like:

§  The Five Different Categories of Foreplay

§  The Difference Between Linear and Non-linear Foreplay

§  Foreplay Tips to turn her on

§  Eroge

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The Complete Child

Books by Anthony Ekanem

Your child might be currently suffering from low levels of self-worth and self-confidence, but it does not have to be that way forever. You as a parent must take the necessary steps that will ensure that your child has a bright future full of potential and opportunities. The first place to start with this is to make sure your child feels good about themselves and has healthy levels of self-worth and self-confidence because these are two traits that make life&r

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Career In Journalism

Books by Anthony Ekanem

A great many people who want to be writers say that they want to have a career in journalism.  They may envision themselves going to exotic locales to cover stories. While these things do happen to journalists, it takes a long time to make your bones before you are sent on any interesting assignments.  

I became a journalist purely by accident.  Unlike others who seek out journalism as a career, I wanted to be a writer.  I envisione

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How to Make Money Online

Books by Anthony Ekanem

Everyone wants to make money. That's a given. And the internet can present some lucrative possibilities. But it can also create a breeding ground for scammers. Sometimes it's tough to know what a scam is and what isn't. No one can tell you in all honesty that they haven't, at some time in their online career, been taken at least once by a hyped-up scam. You must understand that there are some folks who are a constant source of helpful information, and those th

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Female Infertility

Books by Anthony Ekanem

Far too many women struggle to get pregnant and conceive a child naturally. This generally drives most people to visit a doctor or specialist to find out why they have so much difficulty conceiving and giving birth to healthy, happy babies. In most cases, they’re given a diagnosis of infertility.

Even with all the advances made by medical science, there remains a possibility that doctors simply can’t find a cause for some peoples’ inf

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Practical Blogging for Everybody

Books by Anthony Ekanem

Blogs are everywhere. Despite this, people seem to have stopped talking about them as a way of making money online.  Well, in my opinion, blogs are still very much an essential part of a successful online business. A blog can make you money, build a relationship with your subscribers and generate traffic to your website. Yes, everyone’s talking about Facebook, Twitter, and Google+ – and on the surface of it, blogging may today appear a little

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How to Interpret Your Dreams

Books by Anthony Ekanem

Dreaming can be seen as an actual place that your spirit and soul leaves every night to go and visit.  The Chinese believed that the soul leaves the body to go into this world. However, if they should be suddenly awakened, their soul may fail to return to the body.  For this reason, some Chinese today, are wary of alarm clocks. 

Some Native American tribes and Mexican civilizations share this same notion of a distinct dream dimension. Th

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Introduction to Forex Trading

Books by Anthony Ekanem

In any business or moneymaking venture, preparation and foreknowledge are the keys to success. Without this sort of insight, the attempt to make a profitable financial decision can only end in disaster and failure, regardless of your level of motivation and determination or the amount of money you plan to invest. 

In the stock market, this rule applies to the nth degree, as you are investing your own money in what could be considered a high-risk w

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A Guide to Successful Dating

Books by Anthony Ekanem

When it comes to successful dating, whether as a man or a woman, the number one thing you need to have is confidence. And confidence is something that can be garnered with careful and correct guidance and input. One of the ways to appear confident is to be as well versed as possible, on a few selective topics where the intellect of the individual can be displayed within the confines of the said topics. 

Injecting relevant comments periodically int

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Article Marketing Simplified

Books by Anthony Ekanem

Of all the ways to make money online, in my opinion, article marketing is the easiest and best way for anybody to make their first dollar.  The best part is that without spending any more than the cost of a domain name, you can create a passive income that can bring you money from an article that you wrote years ago.  So, ask yourself: “Is spending a few minutes writing a 250-word article worth the time if it will bring you money years later?&r

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Squeeze Page Blueprint

Books by Anthony Ekanem

Before you begin the attempt to build a successful list or create a powerful sales page, you will want to start with a rigorous introduction to Squeeze Pages. 

In stark contrast to undifferentiated, unfocused home pages, Squeeze Pages focus specifically on capturing leads for a newsletter or making sales for a specific product – and not attempt to give visitors a different option. 

Another common word that is often used to descr

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Stress Management Techniques

Books by Anthony Ekanem

There is no exact measure or definition of stress, but it is generally defined as the physical and normal response of the body to things that makes them feel worried and bothered. Stress affects individuals differently; the same way individuals view stress in different ways. Indeed, stress is already part of life, and it can strike at any point in one’s life. 

Though stress can happen inevitably, many individuals still desire not to allow st

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Understanding Mental Health

Books by Anthony Ekanem

When you hear the term “emotional health or mental health”, what is the first thing that usually comes to your mind?  According to research, mental health normally includes the social well-being of psychological and emotional standings. Mental health affects the way people think, act, and feel. In addition to this, mental health also can help you determine the effective ways of how to handle your stress, make choices and relate with other peop

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Perfect Weight, Perfect Shape

Books by Anthony Ekanem

Over the years, the rising obesity rates in the western world have become a cause for concern.   According to a new global analysis, no country has been able to succeed in curbing obesity rates in the last four decades or so. This current obesity epidemic has been put down to a lot of things but mainly stems from modernization. Years ago, people needed to live far more active lives to get things done. Today, just about everything can be automated or deliv

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The Art of Problem Solving

Books by Anthony Ekanem

You are likely using problem-solving skills every day. It is often taken for granted. People do not realize just how wonderful and important problem-solving is. Most people do not even recognize it as a skill. Most of the time, problem-solving is just second nature.

Problem-solving can be defined as an art. The art of problem-solving is something that we learn at a very young age. It helps us through life and is something we could not live without. Bei

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Time Management Techniques

Books by Anthony Ekanem

Do you find yourself rushing through your morning, stampeding to the door, making your way through traffic only to arrive 10 minutes late for work because you had to wait for the train? How does the rest of your day go? 

Once you get yourself into work, do you need to take a few moments to compose yourself? Perhaps you get a coffee and relax by chatting with a co-worker on your way to your desk. When you sit down you see five items that need immed

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How To Break Bad Habits

Books by Anthony Ekanem

Most of the things we do in life are done out of habit. From the moment we wake up in the morning to the actions we take throughout the day – our morning routine, our regular breakfast, and our daily chores at work – the habits we develop control most of our actions. 

Because our habits dictate all the small details that make up our everyday lives, they also are directly related to the bigger issues in our lives, such as how much money

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Dealing with Stress

Books by Anthony Ekanem

There is no exact measure or definition of stress, but it is generally defined as the physical and normal response of the body to things that makes them feel worried and bothered. Stress affects individuals differently; the same way individuals view stress in different ways. Indeed, stress is already part of life, and it can strike at any point in one’s life. 

Though stress can happen inevitably, many individuals still desire not to allow st

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Online Business Master Plan

Books by Anthony Ekanem

There are many ways of making money online. Some are legitimate and others are illegitimate. But beware, many are spam techniques aimed at short-term cash flow.  

Turning to the internet for quick, short-term cash is not what this book is about.  But do it right and you could be making money faster than you think.  For those who are focused on making money online, you should look at the concepts of offline business owners and consider ho

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Marriage Saving Tips

Books by Anthony Ekanem

Relationships are hard. And marriage is even harder. There is no rule book when you get married. It's pretty much a "learn as you go" endeavour. You just hope you don't screw it up or cause lasting damage as you go through the learning process.

You already know that, though. Don't you? Here's the real news. Yes, relationships and marriage are hard, but divorce is often much harder, and not just for you or your spouse. Divorce affects the lives of the r

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Money Saving Tips

Books by Anthony Ekanem

Do you need money for investment or starting some business or to become debt-free and live a peaceful life? And you think there is no source to generate this extra money required? Do you realize that you are not able to achieve your financial goals or money doesn't stay with you for long? 

This book contains tips and tactics you need to spend less and save more.  Each of these tactics is a simple little move you can make to improve your finan

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The Art of Public Speaking

Books by Anthony Ekanem

Any guide to success in an endeavour will tell you that there is no magic formula to success.  But in a lot of fields of endeavour, there seem to be "insider secrets". And taking on the challenge of becoming a truly great public speaker is a noble ambition.  But if you could learn the insider secret that makes the difference between good public speakers and great ones, that would help you make that transition.  

There is one great secret

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The Art of Selling

Books by Anthony Ekanem

On average, a person encounters about three salespersons in a day. Your phone will ring one sunny morning; a jovial salesperson is on the other end of the line selling you cruise vacation tickets. As you condition yourself for a relaxing nap, somebody begins knocking on your door, and when you open it, an insurance salesman is right at your face smiling his heart out. You try to sort out your emails before going to bed, and you noticed that half of them are pr

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The Act of Infidelity

Books by Anthony Ekanem

Infidelity is the greatest and most misunderstood of all relationship infractions. This small, sometimes one minute act of passion or revenge, can initiate or end a relationship at the same time. But what is Infidelity? Most people will classify infidelity as either a man having an affair with a woman while he is in a relationship or a woman having an affair with a man with whom she is not in a relationship. This is a basic definition of what infidelity e

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Living Big on a Small Budget

Books by Anthony Ekanem

When it comes to money, you really can’t take things one day at a time. You must look ahead to the future, and set financial goals, and then create a plan to reach those goals. Once that is done, you start meeting those goals – one day and one step at a time.

Don’t make the mistake of thinking that you will ‘cross that bridge when you get to it.’ When it comes to money, you simply cannot do that, or you will find that you

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Books by Anthony Ekanem

Words have enormous power. They can make you explode into laughter, and they can bring tears to your eyes. They can influence, inspire, manipulate, and even shock. Words can build, and they can destroy as well.

Some words have different effects on people. One of such words is humility. I love the word and all it stands for. It is the most beautiful word in the English language. Some people almost fear it and interpret it to mean the same thing as a lac

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List Building Strategies for Affiliate Marketers

Books by Anthony Ekanem

List building is all about connecting with your target audience by offering them high-quality information in exchange for their subscription, and in affiliate marketing, a  targeted and responsive email list will be the critical element to your success.

Once a subscriber is a confirmed member of your list, you can begin sending promotional based follow-up emails in balance with relevant and useful content based on your overall market.

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Irritable Bowel Syndrome

Books by Anthony Ekanem

Irritable Bowel Syndrome, also known as IBS, is a condition in which the bowel does not function as it should.  If you have been diagnosed with IBS, then there is a real need to find help to relieve the symptoms you are facing.  If you haven’t been diagnosed yet, it is time to consider heading to the doctor if you feel that these are things happening to you.

The problem is that many medications for IBS are not all that safe and do provi

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Internet Wealth Secrets

Books by Anthony Ekanem

The very first question you may ask is “why the Internet?” Well, this book will explain to you why this is the most profitable and hassle-free business in this time and age. You will be shown the several facts and figures to elaborate on the tremendous earning potential of Internet businesses.

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How to Live an Optimal Life

Books by Anthony Ekanem

Many people speak about their problems in life. This is one of the hottest topics of conversations. It doesn’t matter where you meet someone; all it takes is a friendly smile to start pouring out your life’s woes to them. Everyone does the same. The result is that no one knows how happy one is. Since everyone is talking about their miseries, it does seem that no one around is leading an optimal life.

This is where the problem lies. We think

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How to Budget for the Family

Books by Anthony Ekanem

When reflecting on family budgeting and inquiring why not many families are using it, it becomes self-evident that similar scepticism runs rampant and deep in society and even globally. 

When you start examining family budgets, and spending time and energy studying the subject in-depth, it becomes quite clear that many families are caught in a vicious, and almost never-ending cycle of "what comes in must go out."

Most families might feel t

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Work-From-Home Business Ideas

Books by Anthony Ekanem

If you are one of the countless people who are struggling to find a good-paying office job or perhaps one of those who prefer working in the comfort of their homes, there are a lot of options that you could choose from. Working a home-based job is not half bad. Although there are perks when it comes to working an actual job in an office, working from home comes with its upsides as well.

There are a lot of home-based business opportunities for everyone.

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The Power of Forgiveness

Books by Anthony Ekanem

When it comes to fulfilling life's goals and dreams, many people may not achieve them because they focus most of their attention and energy on incidents that took place in the past. It is in human nature to live in the past, the present, or the future. But we all can benefit significantly by living in the present because that is where forgiveness takes place.

Forgiveness is a concept that many people have either completely downplayed or forgotten entir

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The Public Speaker

Books by Anthony Ekanem

You can become a successful public speaker as a profitable sideline to your present job or business, or you can become a professional public speaker by making public speaking the focus of your career.  It is up to you! 

Professional speaking is a flexible and lucrative enterprise.  Good public speakers make all or most of their money from public speaking, and they earn a very decent living from it. Fees for public speaking can range from

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The A to Z of Internet Marketing

Books by Anthony Ekanem

The world of internet marketing seems daunting to many people. And the steady development of this genre, where several new techniques are introduced every day, is not helping the situation. 

Things always seem difficult on the face.  Internet marketers appear to be doing a lot of technical things all the time. However, if you go beyond the surface, things get clearer.

If every age in history were to be called by the greatest invention

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The Art of Flirting

Books by Anthony Ekanem

What do you understand by flirting? And what do you know about it? These questions may look simple since almost every man has, at one time or the other, tried to get it done the proper way, many times. Dressing to impress women, complimenting them, and sending them cheap pickup lines are all techniques created to attract women. But do you know what flirting really entails?

To put it simply, flirting refers to a kind of mating ritual, and this is not ex

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Single Parenting

Books by Anthony Ekanem

Single Parenting is designed to help single parents steer the transition to single parenthood successfully. We will discuss, among other things, the emotions you will possibly feel, how to find support, and how to create priorities and plans for success. 

We will conclude by looking at why being a single parent can be a rewarding experience in disguise, and how to maintain a positive outlook in life. 

Happy reading.

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Self-Publishing Guide for Independent Authors

Books by Anthony Ekanem

If you have ever dreamed of writing and publishing your book, you can realise that dream through self-publishing. Self-publishing is the route many writers choose these days to make their works available to the reading public. Self-publishing today is different from what it used to be many years ago when authors had to spend a lot of money to publish their books. Today, authors can self-publish their book for free or for as little as $100 depending on the self

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Restaurant Business

Books by Anthony Ekanem

Having your own restaurant business is one of the most fulfilling and enjoyable business ventures. Food is a renewable commodity. This means people would not stop looking for food because eating out is both entertaining and functional. 

Many people dream of doing a restaurant business, whether it is fast food, coffee shop or gourmet. Many people fail to sustain their operations, and most of them go out of business in their first year of business.

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Moral Parenting

Books by Anthony Ekanem

Many things in today's society can be very damaging to a child's moral values. That is why it is important as a parent to seize every opportunity to teach your child the importance of having strong moral values. Having a strong ethical base can make a significant impact on the ability of your child to make correct decisions in the future. Without sound moral values, they may likely make many bad decisions that will not allow them to live to their full potentia

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Books by Anthony Ekanem

As a man, you have probably been sent several emails promising you a quick solution to whatever penis or sexual problem you may have. The emails indicate that you are not alone. If there were no such demands for help, those emails would not be filling up every man's email folders. 

I am not here to tell you that sexual and penis enlargement pills, creams, and machines do not work (even though I have serious doubts about most of their claims), but

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Public Speaking Simplified

Books by Anthony Ekanem

You can become a successful public speaker as a profitable sideline to your present job or business, or you can become a professional public speaker by making public speaking the focus of your career.  It is up to you! 

Professional public speaking is a flexible and lucrative enterprise.  Good public speakers make all or most of their money from public speaking, and they earn a very decent living from it. Professional fees for public spe

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Internet Marketing Joint Ventures

Books by Anthony Ekanem

A Joint Venture (in Internet Marketing) is defined as “mutually beneficial cooperation between website owners”. Many times, Internet Marketing Joint Ventures are entered into between an individual who has developed a new or innovative product or service and an established Internet Marketer who has spent considerable time developing their mailing list and their reputation. This type of agreement is a win-win situation. 

The Joint Ventur

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How to Create a Healthy Home Business

Books by Anthony Ekanem

If you run your business from home, it is important you know that you are going to be living a completely different lifestyle from the majority of the people you know. Not having to commute in the morning, not have to spend all day sitting in an office and being able to mostly create your own working hours puts you on a completely different footing from most people you know. For the most part, this is good. Being able to determine your own working hours, to di

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How to Profit from Google AdSense

Books by Anthony Ekanem

For many years now, Google AdSense has dominated fora, discussions, and newsletters all over the Internet and beyond. Already, there are stories of great riches to be made and millions of Dollars made by people who are just working from home. Google AdSense has dominated the internet marketing business and is now considered by many the easiest way to make money on the internet. 

The key to success with AdSense is the placing of ads on pages that

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Fundamentals of Home Security

Books by Anthony Ekanem

It has been reported that burglary and break-in happen almost every 15 seconds of the day. As a result, the chances of your home being at risk of a break-in are greatly increased, and it does not matter where you live in the world.  When we talk of a break-in, people think of someone entering their home by breaking some windows or smashing down doors. Yet, there are things that extend an invitation to burglars and intruders to try at getting into your hom

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Books by Anthony Ekanem

Do you know what true love really is?  Have you ever found or experienced true love? For some people, these questions would be quite hard to answer. True love is not easily found or felt. It comes in various forms. Like other people, you can say you are loved if your family members show you affection. You may also feel loved if you are attracted to the opposite sex. Love is not only for the family, partner or any special person. You can also show love for

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Facebook Marketing Secrets

Books by Anthony Ekanem

Facebook is undoubtedly one of the biggest internet wonders of the world. It has become so vast that almost all internet users worldwide and countless others know about it or use it regularly. It is for this reason, and many others that internet marketers have jumped on the bandwagon and harnessed its marketing and selling power for their gain.

Big corporations like Coca Cola and Nike make millions of Dollars yearly using Facebook as a marketing tool

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Eat Healthy

Books by Anthony Ekanem

When it comes to eating, how many of us bother to check whether we are eating healthy food? The lifestyle of today is so busy and excited that you eat food that tastes good but tends to neglect its negative effect on your health. There are several reasons and benefits of healthy eating, and you should take time to prepare healthy foods and diets for healthy living.

Here are some of the benefits of healthy eating:

Apart from feeling and looking

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Dealing with Skin Diseases

Books by Anthony Ekanem

Just like the brain, the stomach and the heart, the skin is very important, and it is the largest organ in the human body. Many people take their skin for granted. Unless there is a problem, they may not pay much attention to their skin. But you must understand that the skin has a crucial role to play, not only in your appearance but in your overall health.  

The skin can multitask, as it has many essential functions, all of which are primarily

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Defeating Drugs and Death

Books by Anthony Ekanem

Drugs are chemicals that can change the way the human body works. If you have ever been sick and had to take medication, you already have an idea about drugs. Medicines are drugs doctors prescribe to patients. But do you know that even medicines prescribed by doctors can be dangerous if they are not taken as prescribed? 

Some drugs are dangerous to human health all the time. Doctors do not prescribe or give these drugs to their patients. Alcohol a

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Dating Guide for Men

Books by Anthony Ekanem

What do women really want? This is a question that has baffled men since the beginning of time. And men are nowhere closer to understanding women than we were when we huddled around an open fire every night and lived in caves.

Why are women so difficult to understand? It is simply because we try to understand them from a man's point of view without knowing the basic premise that women think differently from men. Women are wired differently from men, an

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Dating Guide for Mature Men

Books by Anthony Ekanem

None of us may go through our entire life on planet earth without dating someone at one time or the other. It does not matter what our culture, gender, belief, or age may be; dating has influenced us in one way or the other. We see instances on the television, read about it in magazines and newspapers, and even learn about it in the classroom, and on the street. 

Dating is not a new phenomenon. It is over a century old. It is an evolutionary pro

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Customer Loyalty

Books by Anthony Ekanem

Customer loyalty is the most critical element to retain within a business relationship.  A lot of benefits can be derived from a well-established loyal customer base. Large sums of money are often allocated to advertising, mainly to gain a bigger market share of customers. However, with the availability of loyal customers, the expenditures on advertising can be used for other beneficial projects in the business. 

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Cost Per Action Cash

Books by Anthony Ekanem

It has never been easier to make money with Cost Per Action (CPA) than it is today. With cost per action, you are paid whenever someone completes an offer, whether it is a sale or lead generation using your referral or affiliate link. There are many Cost Per Action companies available to choose from, each having dozens or even hundreds of offers.

Throughout this guide, you will be introduced to a variety of techniques and strategies that you can u

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Creating Childhood Confidence

Books by Anthony Ekanem

Confidence is essential for a child to develop in the early stages of their life. It is essential because it is needed to overcome many obstacles that your child will face in life. It is your responsibility as the parent to help your child build self-confidence. There are many ways you can do that. 

Building your child’s self-confidence will not only make them feel good about themselves, but it will also prepare them for the future. You ma

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Copywriting Mastery

Books by Anthony Ekanem

If you are serious about succeeding in an online business, you must be ready to work hard to communicate with your buyers. If you are not prepared to put in the time and efforts needed to make your website stand out, then you need to take a serious look at your motivation for being in business in the first place.

Being online has some cache, but it also requires hard work, lots of research, time and a dedication to providing your site visitors with not

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Corporate Gifts

Books by Anthony Ekanem

Corporate gifts are gifts given to employees, customers, and other stakeholders of a business. Corporate gifts may be given for different reasons. The primary function of corporate gifts is to serve as a means of thanking people for their contributions to your business. This includes thanking employees for their hard work or thanking your customers for their business. Giving people gifts to say "thank you" is a good way of ensuring repeat businesses from your

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Childhood Nutrition

Books by Anthony Ekanem

Getting a child to eat healthy can sometimes be a somewhat difficult task for parents. Children can be very picky at times when it comes to food.  And for the most part, vegetables and other healthy foods are not high on the list of their preferences. The good news, however, is that it is not difficult to get your child to eat healthy and nutritious food, and you can even get them to like it. 

The process of making your child eat healthy is l

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Child Safety Online

Books by Anthony Ekanem

As children grow older, they want to know more.  With the internet being available, this is easier than you think. All it takes the child is a few computer keystrokes, and they would land on the website of their choice.  Even with or without the internet, children always find ways to get the information they want.  

Being online exposes children to a whole new way of discovering things. Or they will access their favourite children's tele

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Cash Building Strategies

Books by Anthony Ekanem

We live in very uncertain times. The economic and financial environments of the world are anything but predictable. In some countries, production companies are folding up. In others, there is high unemployment and job losses. Many families are now living below the poverty line. Inflation and high cost of living is prevalent. No one is certain of anything anymore.

There is one thing we know is certain, however, and that is the fact that times are hard.

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Caring For Your Baby

Books by Anthony Ekanem

If someone asks me to name one miracle that exists on planet earth, I would say the miracle of bringing forth a human being into the world.  I did not know how beautiful it is to be a parent until I saw my wife go through the whole process of pregnancy and childbirth to our first child that brought happiness to our lives. Being a parent is a challenging responsibility to shoulder, and I congratulate you on being one. In this hard but beautiful journey of

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Adult Dyslexia

Books by Anthony Ekanem

Dyslexia is a learning disorder that affects an individual’s ability to read, spell, write, or speak. Those who have it are often very smart and hardworking, but they have difficulty connecting the alphabets they see to the sounds those alphabets represent. Dyslexia affects mainly the areas of the brain that process language.

Dyslexia is an inherent weakness in short-term memory that is either auditory or visual. It can make it extremely difficul

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The Sex She Will Die For

Books by Anthony Ekanem

This book aims to give you the tips and tricks of what you should do to give yourself and your sexual partner an unforgettable lovemaking experience every time you are having sexual encounters.

In this book, you will: 

1.     Learn various types of foreplay

2.    Learn and know the difference between the linear and non-linear type of foreplay

3.    Learn foreplay tips and tricks to turn a woman

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Living With Dignity

Books by Anthony Ekanem

Dignity is the intrinsic value and worth of a human being. Everyone is born with it, regardless of gender, social status, education, race, religion, creed, and other factors that may distinguish one person from another. The sad news, however, is that we are all vulnerable to having our dignity violated by other people.

Many people, regardless of their race, education, and social status, do not understand what dignity is, or what it means to treat peopl

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