Avinanda Ray

Started writing when I was about 6 or 7.
Started writing when I was about 6 or 7.

Born in 2011, my hobby was reading and writing. In school, I used to and I do recite poems and read stories written by me in the class to my friends and teacher. I about 6+ when I wrote my first book for children. From my very first day, I looked forward to publishing my books, short stories and poems. When I was 9, I thought that it was the time to get my book published. After a lot of research, I found this awesome platform. All by myself, I published my very first book and gifted my family as a surprise!  Writing has been my good friend for all these years and will be in the future. All thRead More...


The Banyan Tree Beside Me

Books by Avinanda Ray

The new launched book, The Banyan Tree Beside Me, is designed especially for kids and pre-teens. It states the feelings of a child. The book brings out what is going on in this little child's mind. Read more to know more!

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The Bird Adventure Tales

Books by Avinanda Ray

Bird Adventure tales, one of my collection of my written books. This book is all about interesting tales of different birds going on adventures!

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How I Saved My Goldfish

By Avinanda Ray in Adventure | Reads: 1,316 | Likes: 1

This story tells us about how I saved my pet goldfish. It was a strange emergency. Read more to know more. I am a pet lover. I love pets a lot. If I am to choose one from a trip to New York and a pet, obviously, without any hesitation, I would choose A PET!  I would love to have a pet but didn'  Read More...

Published on Oct 1,2022 11:40 PM

The Reflection of Positivity

By Avinanda Ray in Fantasy | Reads: 2,190 | Likes: 3

We all are aware that human beings are the greatest and the smartest of all. But, at the same time animals are also smart and great. In fact, they are kinder than human beings. This story is the little ones of our new generation in order to let them know about the position of dogs and other animals.  Read More...

Published on Oct 1,2022 04:00 PM

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