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"It was a wonderful experience interacting with you and appreciate the way you have planned and executed the whole publication process within the agreed timelines.”
Subrat SaurabhAuthor of Kuch Woh Pal
आज दिवस माझा आजीच्या विषयी लिहायचं आहे. तिचा बरोबर संवाद करण्याचा. तसं बोलते तर नेहमी पण आज तो दिवस आहे ज्या दिवशी जन्म देणारी जरी आई असली तरी मिठीत घेऊन पापा देणारी माया करणारी
आज दिवस माझा आजीच्या विषयी लिहायचं आहे. तिचा बरोबर संवाद करण्याचा. तसं बोलते तर नेहमी पण आज तो दिवस आहे ज्या दिवशी जन्म देणारी जरी आई असली तरी मिठीत घेऊन पापा देणारी माया करणारी आणि स्वतःच्या मुलांपेक्षा जास्त प्रेम करणारी माझी आजी होती.
आजी, तू जरी निघून गेलीस तरी तू आहे अशीच समजते कारण माझ्या हृदयात तुझे विशेष स्थान आहे आणि त्या तू गेल्यानंतरही आठवणी कायमचं राहतील. पण माहित नाही खास माझा वाढदिवसाच्या दिवशी मला जानवता की तू असून सुधा नाही आहेस. कारण ह्याच वेळी तू सहज निघून गेली होतीस. खरं तर, आजी आणि नात यांचे संबंध बहुतेकदा कुटुंबातील सर्वात अद्वितीय आणि विशेष बंधनांपैकी एक मानले जाते. भूतकाळाला वर्तमानाशी आणि वर्तमानाला भविष्याशी जोडणारा, पिढ्यान्पिढ्या पसरवणारा हा बंधन आहे.
आजींना सहसा कुटुंबातील मातृत्व म्हणून पाहिले जाते, त्यांच्या नातवंडांना शहाणपण, मार्गदर्शन आणि बिनशर्त प्रेम प्रदान करते. नातवंडे, त्या बदल्यात, त्यांच्या आजीच्या जीवनात आनंद आणि प्रकाश आणतात, जग आणि भविष्याकडे एक नवीन दृष्टीकोन देतात. म्हणून आजी तू ‘आहे’ आणि ‘होती’ ह्या शब्दांत कधी फरक ठेवला नाही. “दोन्ही समान आहेत”. या “आजी आठवताना...” पुस्तकात, आजी आणि नात यांच्यातील विशेष बंधन शोधू, हे संबंध कोणत्या मार्गांनी अनोखे आणि अर्थपूर्ण आहे याचे परीक्षण करू. आजी आणि नात ह्यांची हृदय स्पर्शी कहाणी... सहज निघून गेली तरी अजूनही आठवणीत जगत आहे.
पुस्तक “रंग” भारतवर्ष के नये बेहतरीन युवा लेखकों की भिन्न भिन्न कविताओं का संकलन है।
जीवन में रंगो का बडा महत्व है, हर रंग अपने प्रभाव से जीवन की हर अवस्था को सुशोभित करत
पुस्तक “रंग” भारतवर्ष के नये बेहतरीन युवा लेखकों की भिन्न भिन्न कविताओं का संकलन है।
जीवन में रंगो का बडा महत्व है, हर रंग अपने प्रभाव से जीवन की हर अवस्था को सुशोभित करते है। रंगो के इस गुलदस्ते में शामिल हर कविता पाठक को शब्दों के माध्यम से जीवन के कई पेहलु से अवगत कराता है। चाहे हो भावनाओं का रंग, आजादी का रंग, प्रेम का रंग, दर्द का रंग, भक्ति का रंग, संवेदना का रंग, ये सब, हर एक के जिदंगी से जुडा हुआ है। मेरा यह मानना है हर एक रचना जो इस किताब में शामिल हे वह पाठक को एक नया ऐहसास और अपनेपन की अनुभूति करायेंगी।
This is an Anthology that contains writeups of different writers on Open Theme, in 2 languages (English, Hindi). Do read & Enjoy the Emotions of the Co-authors, which are Expressed through Words. There's a surprise inside the Book for all the readers.
This is an Anthology that contains writeups of different writers on Open Theme, in 2 languages (English, Hindi). Do read & Enjoy the Emotions of the Co-authors, which are Expressed through Words. There's a surprise inside the Book for all the readers.
This is an Anthology that contains writeups of different writers on Open Theme, in 3 languages (English, Hindi & Hinglish). Do read & Enjoy the Emotions of the Co-authors, which are Expressed through Words. There's a surprise inside the Book for all the readers.
This is an Anthology that contains writeups of different writers on Open Theme, in 3 languages (English, Hindi & Hinglish). Do read & Enjoy the Emotions of the Co-authors, which are Expressed through Words. There's a surprise inside the Book for all the readers.
This is an Anthology that contains writeups of different writers on Open Theme, in 3 languages (English, Hindi & Hinglish). Do read & Enjoy the Emotions of the Co-authors, which are Expressed through Words. There's a surprise inside the Book for all the readers.
This is an Anthology that contains writeups of different writers on Open Theme, in 3 languages (English, Hindi & Hinglish). Do read & Enjoy the Emotions of the Co-authors, which are Expressed through Words. There's a surprise inside the Book for all the readers.
This is an Anthology that contains writeups of different writers on Open Theme, in 3 languages (English, Hindi & Hinglish).
Do read & Enjoy the Emotions of the Co-authors, which are Expressed through Words.
There's a surprise inside the Book for all the readers.
This is an Anthology that contains writeups of different writers on Open Theme, in 3 languages (English, Hindi & Hinglish).
Do read & Enjoy the Emotions of the Co-authors, which are Expressed through Words.
There's a surprise inside the Book for all the readers.
"Love Letters (Part-2) Torn of Papers" is an Anthology Book focused on 'Love with everything around this world'. This book contains thoughts of different writers.
Theme: Love
Genre: Open
Languages: English, Hindi & Hinglish
Do read & Enjoy the Emotions of the Co-authors, which are Expressed through Words.
There's a surprise inside the Book for all the readers.
Paperback:₹ 219
"Love Letters (Part-2) Torn of Papers" is an Anthology Book focused on 'Love with everything around this world'. This book contains thoughts of different writers.
Theme: Love
Genre: Open
Languages: English, Hindi & Hinglish
Do read & Enjoy the Emotions of the Co-authors, which are Expressed through Words.
There's a surprise inside the Book for all the readers.
Paperback:₹ 219
इस पुस्तक में एक ही विषय पर अलग-अलग सह-लेखकों द्वारा लिखित विचारों को शामिल किया गया है, अर्थात् "प्रेम"।
इन लेखकों का उद्देश्य, पाठकों को उनके जीवन के अनुभव के आधार पर प्यार के
इस पुस्तक में एक ही विषय पर अलग-अलग सह-लेखकों द्वारा लिखित विचारों को शामिल किया गया है, अर्थात् "प्रेम"।
इन लेखकों का उद्देश्य, पाठकों को उनके जीवन के अनुभव के आधार पर प्यार के मूल्यों के बारे में बताना है। जिसका पाठक आनंद ले सकते हैं।
"Love Letters - Torn of Papers" is an Anthology Book focused on 'Love with everything around this world'. This book contains thoughts of different writers.
Theme: Love
Genre: Open
Languages: English, Hindi & Hinglish
Do read & Enjoy the Emotions of the Co-authors, which are Expressed through Words.
There's a surprise inside the Book for all the readers.
"Love Letters - Torn of Papers" is an Anthology Book focused on 'Love with everything around this world'. This book contains thoughts of different writers.
Theme: Love
Genre: Open
Languages: English, Hindi & Hinglish
Do read & Enjoy the Emotions of the Co-authors, which are Expressed through Words.
There's a surprise inside the Book for all the readers.
This is an Anthology that contains writeups of different writers on Open Theme, in 3 languages (English, Hindi & Hinglish).
Do read & Enjoy the Emotions of the Co-authors, which are Expressed through Words.
There's a surprise inside the Book for all the readers.
This is an Anthology that contains writeups of different writers on Open Theme, in 3 languages (English, Hindi & Hinglish).
Do read & Enjoy the Emotions of the Co-authors, which are Expressed through Words.
There's a surprise inside the Book for all the readers.
"MN Love Story" is an Anthology Book focused on 'Love with everything around this world'. This book contains stories of different writers.
Theme: Love
Genre: Stories, Chat Stories, Poems
Languages: English, Hindi & Hinglish
Do read & Enjoy the Emotions of the Co-authors, which are Expressed through Words.
There's an surprise inside the Book for all the readers.
This book is published as a gift to our Beautifu
"MN Love Story" is an Anthology Book focused on 'Love with everything around this world'. This book contains stories of different writers.
Theme: Love
Genre: Stories, Chat Stories, Poems
Languages: English, Hindi & Hinglish
Do read & Enjoy the Emotions of the Co-authors, which are Expressed through Words.
There's an surprise inside the Book for all the readers.
This book is published as a gift to our Beautiful Readers on the occasion of 'Karwa Chauth'.
This is an Anthology which contains writeups of different writers on Open Theme, in 3 languages (English, Hindi & Hinglish).
Do read & Enjoy the Emotions of the Co-authors, which are Expressed through Words.
There's an surprise inside the Book for all the readers.
This is an Anthology which contains writeups of different writers on Open Theme, in 3 languages (English, Hindi & Hinglish).
Do read & Enjoy the Emotions of the Co-authors, which are Expressed through Words.
There's an surprise inside the Book for all the readers.
This is an Anthology which contains writeups of different writers on Open Theme, in 3 languages (English, Hindi & Hinglish).
Do read & Enjoy the Emotions of the Co-authors, which are Expressed through Words.
There's an surprise inside the Book for all the readers.
This is an Anthology which contains writeups of different writers on Open Theme, in 3 languages (English, Hindi & Hinglish).
Do read & Enjoy the Emotions of the Co-authors, which are Expressed through Words.
There's an surprise inside the Book for all the readers.
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