Lekhya datti


By Lekhya datti in Fantasy | Reads: 4,303 | Likes: 3

                                                                              Hugs ~~~~~~~~ The bearer of 

Published on Jun 18,2022 05:09 PM

Life through the eyes of Dead

By Lekhya datti in Young Adult Fiction | Reads: 3,953 | Likes: 6

Ghosts are myths, but souls exist.  Stuck on our body, beneath our epithelial  deep inside. The souls feel, everything it sees, feels, smells and hears. It accompanies every single breath we take, in good or bad. The time comes when death sucks our souls, The time when the soul,   Read More...

Published on Jun 16,2022 02:18 PM

My Imaginary Friend

By Lekhya datti in Mystery | Reads: 4,342 | Likes: 11

“Dalia, What are you doing?!” I could hear my mother yell outside the door of my room and I quickly said, “Well, go for now! Come back after an hour or so. Okay?” my whisper yelled as I said to a blank wall in front of me, though, there was someone in my mind. I walked to the  Read More...

Published on Jun 15,2022 12:13 PM

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