Writer , Traveler and Entrepreneur
Writer , Traveler and Entrepreneur


Colors of Life

Books by Leemon Ravi

Colors of Life is a collection of short stories highlighting the journey of different individuals through strange life situations and the repercussions. It further accentuates that your roadblocks are the actual solutions for discovering various shades in our life to understand the essence of our sojourns. The short stories highlight that toiling is a prerequisite to press forward in life at a faster pace. The collection has presented various perceptions throu

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OCD ( Obsessive Compulsive Disorder )

By LEEMON R in True Story | Reads: 6,059 | Likes: 46

"OCD is a psychological condition, but people won't understand it", told the doctor. " It creates tremendous pressure on the head of a person and can evoke catastrophic effects in the mind", he added.  "What is the treatment doctor? ", asked Aadya anxiously. "There is no specific treatment. But  Read More...

Published on Jun 26,2022 11:36 PM

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