Leah Florette


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The Brightest Of Them All

Books by Amulya Thomas

August: I often think of things. Like why stars disappear in the morning. Like why bubble gum comes in different colors. Like why in this universe, I cannot be the avocado to her emerald. Or maybe I can. I guess we'll never know...

Emma: I'm not perfect. I never was. I think the day I realized this was when I met a boy who reminded me, stupidly, of an avocado. And I hate avocadoes... till one day, I didn't anymore. He taught me how to live and showed m

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A Sunflower Wish

Books by Amulya Thomas

A crack.
A melt in her chest.
All for her new family.
Sky has been on the run her whole life – writing is her passion and she would do anything to get that. Even leave the people she loves most. After her brother's death, she's been on the run. First, she leaves her family. Then her unsupportive husband. All in the name of achieving her dream career.
But when she walks into Cloud 9 and crossed paths with her soon-to-be friends, her life i

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Inside The Lie

Books by Leah Florette

I opened my mouth and shut it abruptly. “You,” she said, jabbing me in the chest. “You are special. Get that negative chatter out of your head, I don’t want you to think you’re not good enough for me. You are special. You are important. And I don’t care if no one has loved you right, or if everyone mistreated you. Stop being such a debbie downer. Just listen to me.” 

Az lives with his deaf si

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All But The Moon Sing

By Leah Florette in Young Adult Fiction | Reads: 7,173 | Likes: 22

When November was little, she used to spend every night on her back on the grass of her backyard with Estelle, trying to name the constellations. But she can't do that anymore. She remembered the feeling of pointing at the stars each night, thinking of different names for them: Jessica, Robert, Ivy   Read More...

Published on Oct 12,2022 04:09 PM

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