Aryaman Ghosh


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Multiverse explained

Books by Aryaman Ghosh

Welcome, dear readers. I am Aryaman Ghosh, the author of this book and i am going to tell you all there is to know about the vast multiverse and with a tiny bit of help from imagination we can also travel through parallel worlds. I hope you enjoy reading this book.

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Mischievous Marcel

Books by Aryaman Ghosh

Hello dear friends! Lend me your ears, for I am going to tell you tales of a mischievous boy who loves to play pranks, have fun at the expense of others, trick people and indulge in all kinds of mischief. It is my first attempt at fiction, and I think everyone should give it a read at least once. I assure you that it will be an enjoyable experience.

Thank you very much!

There are six stories in this book

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