Poulomi Ghosh


Edible Wild Plants of West Bengal, India

Books by Dr. Pradyut Biswas

Large number of wild plants are being consumed by the local peoples of India. Most of these plants are collected by the elder people from the wild sources, who spend a considerable part of their day in the field collecting plants from the local habitat. Majority of the plant parts are being sold in different markets. These plants have social importance to the daily livelihood pattern of the people for their ever growing marketing demand as well as economic ben

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Antibacterial activity of some wild plants of West Bengal

Books by Dr. Pradyut Biswas

In vitro screenings of wild medicinal plants are quite important for their antibacterial properties against some clinically isolated pathogens as an alternative source of antimicrobial agents. Thus their antibacterial activity may opens the possibility of finding new clinically effective antibacterial substances as a drug, as an alternative way of use of natural products instead of antibiotics and therefore, decreasing the drug resistance. In many situa

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