Veeral Yashupal


Veeral Yashupal is a young aspiring writer from the Southern part of India. He has had a goal to achieve great heights in the field of literature. He began writing science flash fictions at the tender age of 8. Although his stories are short, they have a novel's worth of sense in them as it'll get you questioning even the fundamentals of all reality. His interest and curiosity in the field of science too are reflected in his stories.Read More...



Books by Veeral Yashupal

A collection of six short science fictions that will expose you to the fact of how little we know of everything, and only gets worse as we learn more. The stories, though are designed short enough to read in a single concise stretch, are mind-boggling enough to dissolve you in wondrous thoughts for a lifetime. Are you the kind of person who doesn’t want the storyline as you expect it to be, but wants something that’s going to keep you at the edge o

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The Street

By Veeral Yashupal in Science Fiction | Reads: 3,301 | Likes: 3

"Past, present, future. It’s just like saying ‘zero plus one, one, two minus one,’ it is the same thing. All of the happenings are now. Time is now, all the events we’ve experienced and will ever experience, and events which we won't experience, all are happening all the time  Read More...

Published on Oct 1,2022 06:11 PM

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