Radhika Joshi Shah



Books by Radhika Joshi Shah

There are lots of things that we keep in our heart forever. We are unable to speak up directly sometimes so we write it out and hoping that one day we will send that "Draft" to related person. Here, writer shared the collection of few letters that may convey the same message or feelings that you kept in your heart for your teenage girl, for your husband, for your unborn child or for your loving grandma. You would love to read this extraordinary lette

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कुछ रंग प्यार के..

Books by राधिका जोशी शाह

“दर्द के एहसास तो बयान हो जाते है लफ्जों में…

खुशियाँ मिल जाये तो कोई गज़ल नहीं मिलती !”

इसलिये जिंदगी में दर्द का होना भी जरूरी है, तभी तो कलम चल पडेगी |

इस पुस्तक में र

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