Tanmay Kulkarni

Writer, Poet, Reader
Writer, Poet, Reader

Tanmay Kulkarni is an aspiring law student by day and a weaverof stories by night. He has always been fascinated by Philosophy,psychology and the human condition and explores these themesthrough his writing. He has previously published a short storycollection, Fading Stars and Circling the Sun is his debut novel. Helives in Pune, India.Read More...


Cloud Shapes

Books by Tanmay Kulkarni

This is what he remembers, as he sits in a bus at the end of the world, or just his journey, as he turns, to come back home:

Memories of places that they were going to remember forever, held upside down and navigating to the middle of nowhere, with lots of laughter and fun.

Clouds and sunrises and sunsets and colors, so many colors, but they keep getting blurrier somehow.

A mom and a dad, almost like puppets going about busy days and si

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Circling the Sun

Books by Tanmay Kulkarni

Vincent, like his namesake, loves the stars and sky more than people and is trying to feel less lonely and make sense of it all through his stories. Venus and Olivier, although having circled the sun a similar number of times are grappling with opposite ends of parenthood. When they start writing letters to each other, they extend an invisible arm of comfort but are they the strangers they believe themselves to be?

How to not damage a child? Is it poss

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