



Books by Dr. Pooja Senthilkumar

Gracias is a collection of personal stories, research, and inspiration to cultivate an attitude of gratitude. It explores the power of gratitude to change our lives and the world around us in surprising and practical ways. It also provides you with simple exercises to deepen your attitude of gratitude, which is the key to a fulfilled life.

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The Guide to Glee

Books by Dr. Pooja Senthilkumar

Can we start focusing on what matters in life? 

Not politics, not social media, and not the text you didn't get from your favorite person, but your happiness. 
What is the purpose in this long life if we are going to spend it exuding effort into things that we know will make us upset?

Now, I won't attempt to explain the existential meaning of life - a question that may never be answered. However, I would say that every person's li

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