Kuheli Nayek Bera



Say Cheese !!

Books by Kuheli Nayek Bera

Warmth Brings them Closer!!

Paree Loved Rakesh.
She met an accident.
Rakesh left her.
pari met samrat at Mona’s house.
Samrat was already dating Radhika.
He was not happy with his life also. 
They became friends.
Pains from both side somehow 
connected them.
They fell in love when it was too late.
Rakesh was backed to paree’s life
He proposed paree to marry her.
their engagement date

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Let me tell you

By Kuheli Nayek Bera in Romance | Reads: 2,874 | Likes: 3

'A lover is like a balloon, you have to hold it if you want it.'- Samay replied.  'Enough is enough. I have to leave my family, my friends. I just can't take it anymore.'- I mumbled.  Within just five minutes I was ready with my luggage and it was talking more five minutes to leave my plac  Read More...

Published on Oct 30,2022 09:28 PM

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