Doctor Ashok Sethi

Holistic Sciences Consultant and Teacher
Holistic Sciences Consultant and Teacher

Doctor Ashok Sethi Holistic Sciences Consultant and Teacher Yog & Ayurved KulbhushanGem of Alternative MedicinesFellowship in Holistic Health Holistic Sciences : Sujok, Smile Meditation, Smile Yoga, Twist Walking, etc.(Naturopathy, Yoga, Acupressure, Sujok, Reiki, Karuna Reiki, Violet Flame Reiki, Angelic Reiki, Lama Fera, Dowsing, Crystal Energy, Astrology, Tarot Reading, etc etc ) Doctor Sethi has been teaching and practising Holistic Sciences for the last more than two decades.  He has prepared study material for many of his courses basd on his vast experience of teaching Holistic SciencRead More...


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Reiki Mastership (Levels I, II, IIIA, IIIB)

Books by Doctor Ashok Sethi

(Levels I, II, IIIA/B)

Reiki is one of the oldest and best energy systems.  Reiki energy is transferred to the student through distance attunement called Chi Ball attunement process. Once you have received a Reiki attunement, you will have Reiki for the remainder of your life. Reiki can help you solve your problems at all levels - physical, mental and spiritual. Reiki works through symbols which are given by the

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Lama Fera Grandmastership Manual

Books by Doctor Ashok Sethi

Lama Fera is highly effective healing technique followed by the Buddhist and mostly by the Tibetan Lamas. The special technique is used to heal human bodies.  It was originated by Lord Buddha. He saved the people from their diseases and sorrows with the practice. It is used for physical, emotional, mental, as well as spiritual healing. It is considered as the fastest healing technique for physical problems.

Lama-Fera is the union of two words

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Karuna Reiki Mastership

Books by Doctor Ashok Sethi

Similar to Reiki, Karuna Reiki is also practised with symbols. But it has an added feature that Karuna, compassion, should be there while practising. Karuna is translated to mean any action that is taken to diminish the suffering of others and could also be translated as ‘compassionate action’.  It is also stated in the Buddhist literature that Karuna must be accompanied by parjna or wisdom in order have the right effect. Lords of Karuna are L

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लामा फेरा ग्रांडमास्‍टरशिप

Books by डाक्‍टर अशोक सेठी

लामा फेरा बौद्धों और अधिकतर तिब्बती लामाओं द्वारा अपनाई जाने वाली अत्यधिक प्रभावी उपचार तकनीक है। लामा-फेरा दो शब्दों का मेल है। दोनों शब्दों की अपनी-अपनी पहचान और अर्थ है। लाम

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Sujok Seed Healing

Books by Doctor Ashok Sethi

Sujok Seed Healing is based on the principles of Sujok Therapy. But even without knowing Sujok Therapy, you can learn Sujok Seed Healing, with this book. But if you learn Sujok Therapy, it will be an advantage for you.

This book introduces basic principles of Sujok Therapy, introduction to Seed Therapy, explains the concept of correspondence points as per Basic and Insect Correspondence Systems. It also explains how to locate the exact corresponde

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Sujok Correspondence Points

Books by Doctor Ashok Sethi

Although it is very easy to locate exact correspondence points (acupressure points) as explained in our earlier book Sujok Therapy, yet it is a further attempt to help the students in this regard.  
This book, Sujok Correspondence Points, shows more than 400 illustrations of all and every correspondence points of all and every organ of the body with regard to Standard Correspondence System, Insect Correspondence System, Mini Correspondence Systems as

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Reiki Mastership (Levels I, II, IIIA, IIIB)

Books by Doctor Ashok Sethi

(Levels I, II, IIIA/B)

Reiki is one of the oldest and best energy systems.  Reiki energy is transferred to the student through distance attunement called Chi Ball attunement process. Once you have received a Reiki attunement, you will have Reiki for the remainder of your life. Reiki can help you solve your problems at all levels - physical, mental and spiritual. Reiki works through symbols which are given by the

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Violet Flame and Angel Reiki Mastership

Books by Doctor Ashok Sethi

This books contains study material of two courses : Violet Flame Reiki Mastership and Angel Reiki Mastership.

Violet Flame Reiki Mastership has 4 levels, each level containing 10 symbols.  The images and meanings of symbols have been explained.  It also explains What is Violet Flame Reiki and how it works. It explains how a healing session with VFR should be conducted and how to pass attunements. It also explains how a healing relationship se

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Bach Flowers Therapy

Books by Doctor Ashok Sethi

 Bach Flowers Therapy?

Bach Flower Remedies come under the field of Holistic Sciences or Alternative Medicines. In recent times Bach Flower Therapy is being practiced by many people around the globe.

Bach Flower Remedies are based on the life force of 38 flowers which affect our mental state of being. Through this online course you will learn the properties of 38 remedies, which makes it a very easy therapy to practice.

As r

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Mudra Therapy

Books by Doctor Ashok Sethi

Study Manual

This manual explains :

History and Introduction to Mudra Therapy, etc
Mudras based on Five Elements
Ayurveda Vaat, Pitta, Kapha explained
Mudras based on Vaat, Pitta, Kapha
Five Yoga Vayus and mudras based on them
Then more Mudras, Mudras, Mudras (total 62)
Mudras and diseases

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Art of Dowsing

Books by Doctor Ashok Sethi

Art of Dowsing, Study Manual :

This manual explains :

History and Introduction to Dowsing
For what purposes it can be used
Who can use it
Methods of dowsing : with devices like pendulum, rods, etc and 
deviceless methods like blink, thumbs, hand jab, body sway, etc etc.
Many uses of dowsing : Finding water bodies, finding lost objects, finding negative energy, etc
Step-by-step guide for Dowsing

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Money Reiki Grandmastership

Books by Doctor Ashok Sethi

Money Reiki Grandmastership, Study Manual :

There is the traditional use of positive thinking and affirmations to make money. Money Reiki takes a different approach than what is usually taught in prosperity courses. Money Reiki is less about manifestation of abundance and more about clearing out negative energy in relation to money. As such, it makes a perfect adjunct to whatever prosperity, abundance, and manifestation work you may be currently

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Master Sujok Therapy (Part 2 of 2)

Books by Doctor Ashok Sethi


Sujok Therapy is an advanced acupressure technique, containing many more techniques in it.

Already 3 books have been published on Sujok Therapy.  

Sujok Therapy : Basic correspondence system, Insect and Mini Correspondence Systems, Usage of Sujok gadgets, and treatment protocol for more than 200 diseases.

Advance Sujok Therapy (Part 1 of 2) : Meridians, Byol meridians, their propert

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Master Sujok Therapy (Part 1 of 2)

Books by Doctor Ashok Sethi

Sujok Therapy is an advanced acupressure technique, containing many more techniques in it.

Already 3 books have been published on Sujok Therapy.  

Sujok Therapy : Basic correspondence system, Insect and Mini Correspondence Systems, Usage of Sujok gadgets, and treatment protocol for more than 200 diseases.

Advance Sujok Therapy (Part 1 of 2) : Meridians, Byol meridians, their properties, treatment with Byol magnets on

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Astrology Made Simple (Part 3 of 3)

Books by Doctor Ashok Sethi

Astrology Made Simple (Part 3 of 3)

This book explains the Remedial Measures for all planets : Yantra, Mantra, articles to be given in charity, mantras, stones to wear, semi-precious stones, roots, whom to worship, Lal Kitab remedies, easy remedial measures, etc.; more remedial measures, month-wise, astro items, like Billi ki Zer, Parad Shivling, Baglamukhi Yantra, Siyar Singhi, Shvetark Ganpati, Parad Laxmi, Narmadeshwar Ling, Hatha Jodi, Daksh

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Astrology Made Simple (Part 2 of 3)

Books by Doctor Ashok Sethi

Unique Features of this book : It explains :

*     How to caste horoscope manually
*     How to calculate Vimshottari periods, its rules for interpretation
*     How to study effects of transit of planets, its rules, etc
*     Divisional Charts, Match-Making Analysis
*     Some Remedial Measures and important combinations
*     Various sample horoscopes analysed

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Lama Fera Grandmastership Manual

Books by Doctor Ashok Sethi

Lama Fera is highly effective healing technique followed by the Buddhist and mostly by the Tibetan Lamas. The special technique is used to heal human bodies.  It was originated by Lord Buddha. He saved the people from their diseases and sorrows with the practice. It is used for physical, emotional, mental, as well as spiritual healing. It is considered as the fastest healing technique for physical problems.

Lama-Fera is the union of two words

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Astrology Made Simple (Part 1 of 3)

Books by Doctor Ashok Sethi

Astrology Made Simple explains the basic concepts of astrology in a simple, lucid, and layman's language.

It explains you different almanac terms, characteristics of sign, houses, planets, benefic and malefic planets, good and evil houses, rules for interpretation of a horoscope generally, step-wise instructions are given for this, various tips are given to explore the different aspects of life, e.g. career, progeny, income, health, family, peace, dise

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Advance Sujok Therapy (Part 1 of 2)

Books by Doctor Ashok Sethi

In Sujok Therapy (published earlier), you learnt the basic concepts of Sujok Therapy, how to locate all correspondence points of body organs, their images, methods of treatment and gadgets used in Sujok Therapy.

Brief Description Advance Sujok Therapy Part 1 of 2

In Advance Sujok Therapy you would learn 

Byol Meridian Therapy; names of Meridians and their functions, diagnosis and treatment through them; 

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Advance Sujok Therapy (Part 2 of 2)

Books by Doctor Ashok Sethi

Unique features of this book:

This book is in continuation of earlier book Advance Sujok Therapy, Part 1 of 2. This book explains you the  treatment protocol for more than 200 diseases pertaining to all body organs, e.g. Head : Neck, Brain, Mind; Face : Eyes, Nose, Ears; Chest : Lungs,  Heart, Breasts; Abdomen : Liver, GB, Stomach, Spleen, LI, SI, Pancreas; Arms and Legs; Reproductive System: Impotence; Mensuration Problems, Piles, UTI

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Books by Doctor Ashok Sethi

Sujok Therapy  is an advanced acupressure technique. It explains how it was discovered by Prof Park of South Korea. An acupressure point in this therapy is called Correspondence Point. There are three systems in it : Basic Correspondence System, Insect Correspondence System and Mini Correspondence Systems. Images of all the correspondence points have been shown. It is also explained as how to search and locate the exact correspondence for a particular org

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