This is a very short non-fiction book trying to tell you the truth of reality in your face. In this very short book, the author discusses various world problems in the form of topics. Whether this book is taken as a revelation or just a plain delusion of the author is up to the readers to decide.
एक १९९० की हिट फिल्मसे प्रेरित होकर यह फेनमेड कहानी है दो दिलोकी -राहुल और मार्लिन! राहुल एक बेंडमें मुख्य गायक और गितारीस्त है और मार्लिन एक होस्टेलमें रहनेवाली एक आनाथ लडकी है!
Inspired by a hit 1990s movie, this fan-made story follows the story of two lovers - Rahul and Marlin. Rahul is a lead singer and guitarist of a band while Marlin is an orphan living in a hostel. There is nothing wrong with living in hostels, but not in this one. It is run by a madly strict warden named Joseph Doyle and nobody can do anything about it. Life at the hostel continues to be miserable for Marlin until she meets Rahul and both fall in love with each
In this chapter, Frank learns a way to bring their dead friends, Randolph and Athena, alive. With the help of Eliza, the fortune teller, he travels to a realm called Rethnia and tries to win a deadly arena competition in order to win a chance to demand the souls of their friends from Dar, the soul collector before they are reincarnated into other bodies.
Steven Johnson and his partner travel to a city in Hong Kong where a Bio attack has taken place. In order to find the clue about the men responsible for the attacks, they run into one problem after another. Like his previous mission, it is filled with action and adventure. Will he survive this second mission or his enemies will prevail?
In a futuristic setting, it is normal life for Steven Johnson as an admiral for the Federation (A human coalition representing Earth and humanity on a galactic scale) until mysterious abductions start to take place all over the galaxy. When his own father becomes prey to that he decides to get the bottom of it and unravel the mystery. In the process, he does some terrible things to survive and goes toe to toe with a titanic root of the problem.
Frank Carter is in with his final adventure. He and his friends need to stop Sirius from taking their souls. Along the way, the party gets new powers and new foes to battle with. In this adventure they travel India and Greece to find the powerful artifacts of power, which will help defeat their powerful enemy, Sirius.
Frank is in trouble again. His happy life once again comes to a halt when what he did in the past comes with ramifications and haunts him in the present. He finds a new ally along the old one to fight this new threat called Sirius. Will he succeed or fail?
Frank is a teenage boy. After he and his family move into a new house in a region called the yellow lotus, his world turns upside down. There is something evil in that place that drives Frank to the brink of madness. Will he come out of the nightmare or just perish?