Chandresh Kumar Chhatlani

Higher Education Faculty, Researcher and Author
Higher Education Faculty, Researcher and Author


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सफलता एक इंच दूर

Books by चंद्रेश कुमार छतलानी

इस किताब की कहानियों के  शब्द आपके जीवन को प्रभावित करेंगे. आपकी सफलता की उम्मीद लिए यह किताब, हम सभी के लिए एक प्रेरणास्त्रोत है. 

आइये इसकी उम्मीदों पर खरा उतरें

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Technology Integration in Physical Education

Books by Dr. Bhawani Pal Singh Rathore, Dr. Dilip Singh Chouhan, Dr. Chandresh Kumar Chhatlani

This monograph aims to provide educators, physical education teachers, and professionals in related fields with a comprehensive framework for integrating technology effectively into physical education classes. By doing so, we can enhance the learning outcomes and engagement levels of our students, ensuring they develop the necessary skills, knowledge, and enthusiasm for leading physically active and healthy lives.

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Design and Implementation of Blockchain-based Systems for Secured Data Sharing and Transactions

Books by Chandresh Kumar Chhatlani

The monograph "Design and Implementation of Blockchain-based Systems for Secured Data Sharing and Transactions" aims to provide a comprehensive guide for organizations and individuals who are interested in implementing blockchain technology for secure data sharing and transactions. The book covers the fundamental concepts of blockchain technology, its potential use cases, and the different blockchain platforms available. It also delves into the key steps invol

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Principles of Quantum Computing

Books by Chandresh Kumar Chhatlani

The monograph is organized in six chapters, starting with the introduction and then foundations of quantum mechanics and quantum computing, and then covering quantum circuits and gates, quantum algorithms and complexity, quantum error correction and fault tolerance, and finally quantum applications and future directions. Each chapter is designed to build upon the previous one, providing a gradual and intuitive introduction to the key concepts and techniques of

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Design, Develop and Implement a Website for University

Books by Chandresh Kumar Chhatlani

Designing, developing, and implementing a website for a university requires a collaborative effort between designers, developers, content creators, and stakeholders. By following these steps, you can create a website that meets the needs of your target audience, represents the university's values, and contributes to its overall success.

The purpose of this monograph is to provide a comprehensive guide to creating a successful website for a university,

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An Overview of Reverse Engineering

Books by Chandresh Kumar Chhatlani

In this book, "An Overview of Reverse Engineering", we will explore the various techniques and tools used in reverse engineering and provide practical guidance on how to reverse engineer products and systems. We will also discuss the legal and ethical implications of reverse engineering and how to navigate these issues.

We will also aware with few real-life case studies of reverse engineering in action, exploring how reverse engineering has been used t

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Computer Viruses and Malware Infections of Present Era

Books by Chandresh Kumar Chhatlani

In this monograph, I delved into the world of computer viruses and malware infections of the present era, explored the history of computer viruses, how they have evolved over time, and how they have become more sophisticated and dangerous and examined different types of malware infections, such as ransomware, spyware, and Trojans, and how they operate.

Furthermore, I have investigated the consequences of a malware infection, both on a personal and orga

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Development and Evaluation of Software Systems for University

Books by Chandresh Kumar Chhatlani

The rapid growth of technology has led to an increased need for the development of software systems for various organizations, including universities. Software systems in universities play a crucial role in improving the efficiency and effectiveness of administrative processes, academic operations, and communication among stakeholders. This monograph aims to explore the development and evaluation of software systems for universities. This monograph has been de

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Trends of Artificial Intelligence in Web Development

Books by Chandresh Kumar Chhatlani

Artificial Intelligence (AI) is one of the most transformative technologies of our time, and its impact can be felt in virtually every industry. Web development is no exception. AI can be used to automate various web development tasks, improve user experience, and create smarter and more efficient websites.

AI is transforming the world of web development, and the possibilities are endless. As developers continue to explore the potential of AI, we can e

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Software Development Methodologies

Books by Dr. Chandresh Kumar Chhatlani

Software is a critical component of modern computing, and it enables computers and electronic devices to perform various functions and tasks that are essential for businesses, organizations, and individuals.

Software development methodologies play a critical role in ensuring the successful delivery of high-quality software products. Each methodology has its own unique features and advantages, and the choice of methodology depends on the project's requi

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An Introduction to Solar Energy

Books by Dr. Chandresh Kumar Chhatlani

Knowledge of solar energy is crucial for everyone to understand the importance of transitioning to clean, renewable energy sources and to actively participate in the movement towards a sustainable future. This knowledge is crucial for everyone because it is a clean and renewable source of energy that has the potential to replace traditional fossil fuels. Solar energy is abundant and available worldwide, making it a viable solution for reducing our dependence o

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मेरी कमज़ोर लघुकथा

Books by डॉ. चंद्रेश कुमार छतलानी

इस प्रस्ताव का आधार यह था कि (कुछ अपवादों को छोड़कर) लगभग हर लघुकथाकार ने अपनी कोई न कोई रचना खुद ही रिजेक्ट की है। वे रचनाएं कैसी हैं और लघुकथाकारों द्वारा उन्हें रिजेक्ट क्यों कि

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Birbal’s Parrot and Other Stories

Books by Bhagirath Parihar

The Book is

Authored by renowned litterature Shri Bhagirath Parihar

Translated by Smt. Kalpana Bhatta

Compilled by Dr. Chandresh Kumar Chhatlani

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मेरे तुम्हारे सबके राम

Books by संपादक: माण्डवी बर्वे

स्मृतिशेष मधुदीप गुप्ता जी को समर्पित ‘मेरे तुम्हारे सबके राम’ पुस्तक; जनमानस में बसे राम को, जनमानस के माध्यम से, जनमानस के सामने लाने का एक छोटा-सा प्रयास है। स्मृतिशेष मधु

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Selected Laghukathas of Santosh Supekar

Books by Santosh Supekar | Translation By: Kalpana Bhatt

A collection of translated Laghukathas of Shri Santosh Supekar by Smt. Kalpana Bhatt.

Translation of literature is a very complicated work .Translator  must be careful about the essence of the creation.His  main goal is to deliver the original meaning (not word)and make the final result to read.That 's why he always avoids word to word translation of any composition.

- Santosh Supekar

It was a different experi

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Pudding of Truth

Books by Chandresh Kumar Chhatlani

This book brings together an eclectic collection of short stories or say Laghukathas. These short stories are written on many of the subjects that exist around us. This is a blended collection of dream and truth.
Few words from this book

He was the greatest cook in the world; there was no dish he had not made. Even today, the whole world could experience the real sweet taste of truth, so he was going to make two special dishes of truth and lies

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परमात्मा से समीपता

Books by डॉ. चंद्रेश कुमार छतलानी

प्रस्तुत पुस्तक में मानव के ईश्वर से सम्बन्ध को बताने का प्रयास किया गया है। पहले अध्याय ‘ईश्वर क्या है?’ में ईश्वर क्या है, इसे कुछ इस तरह बताया गया है, जो उन सभी बातों से जुड़ा

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हास्य व्यंग्य कथाएँ

Books by डॉ. चंद्रेश कुमार छतलानी


हम सभी प्राचीन काल ही से हास्य को महत्व देते आए हैं। हालांकि कई बार हँसने के लिए हमें फिल्मों, गानों और कहानियों का सहारा लेना ही पड़ता है। यह पुस्तक भी कुछ ऐसे ही उद्दे

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उंगलियों पर जिंदा मछली

Books by डॉ. चंद्रेश कुमार छतलानी

‘उंगलियों पर जिंदा मछली’ लघुकथा संग्रह में मेरी कुछ लघुकथाएं हैं। उम्मीद करता हूँ कि यह संग्रह पाठकों को अच्छा प्रतीत होगा।

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प्रेरक बाल कथाएँ

Books by डॉ. चंद्रेश कुमार छतलानी

प्रेरक बाल कथाएं संग्रह के प्रथम संस्करण में बच्चों के लिए कुछ प्रेरणास्पद कहानियां हैं। उम्मीद करता हूँ कि यह संग्रह पाठकों को अच्छा प्रतीत होगा।

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चोरी का धन

By Chandresh Kumar Chhatlani in Mythology | Reads: 4,629 | Likes: 1

“माँ! माँ!...” कितना खूबसूरत पल होता है हर माँ के लिए, जब उसका लाडला पहली बार यह शब्द बोलता है। किलकारियों के साथ अप  Read More...

Published on Jun 28,2022 12:41 PM

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