Isaiah Newme

Currently, he is pursuing MA in journalism and mass communication at Don Bosco College, Angadikadavu.
Currently, he is pursuing MA in journalism and mass communication at Don Bosco College, Angadikadavu.


Nang Nnum Chilu Lunglau

Books by Isaiah Ditalak Newme

St Peter bene acheu ranggailei: “Kane ningnui lungge â Krista je Tingwang hang suang gai ze bam lau. Ningnui dage kaheguîbe bambe deu tak ze penui dage salia ra kûme leine dage samkakrabe hang pehî’nsangne ge kedâkua ze bam lau, acheusede chize karenuabe benai hengêutewchibe gene tew lau.” (1 Peter 3:15)

Anui Catholic mene kannum be pedeu bam je kannum lei. Anui ne ka’nnum pemik ngau makpeu gu

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Tales That Tell About The People

Books by Isaiah Newme

Folktales are the ingredient to the Zeliangrong socio-cultural life. It is associated with the people, place, events, animals and sometimes it relates to myth, God and Demons. It is an integral part of the history of the Zeliangrong without which, the essence of knowing, and connecting with the past lost its significance. Folktales provide moral lessons and how to live a dignified life and are the heritage that every Zeliangrong finds belongingness. The tales

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Lies in Fall

By Isaiah Newme in Fantasy | Reads: 6,413 | Likes: 42

Lies in Fall By Isaiah Newme   Behold, an eagle soaring high in the sky, and yet concentrating deeply on what it wants on the ground; when it's focused, it swoops down briskly on the prize. Wow! Magnificently fearless. It has no fear for neither height nor depth; it's blinded by its aptitude an  Read More...

Published on Jun 18,2022 12:30 PM

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