Kushagra Krishna Deo



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A Perfect Winter

Books by Kushagra Krishna Deo

A Perfect Winter tells the story of a group of friends who form a close bond during a winter season. Through the eyes of the main character, Killian, we see the joy and excitement of their time together, as well as the inevitable challenges and changes that come with the passage of time.

Even though their time together eventually comes to an end, Killian's memories of his friends remain an important part of his life. The second half of the book is a co

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Hall of Luna

Books by Kushagra Krishna Deo

When we're younger, everything is new and every “first” gets carved into our memories, the natural records that cannot be seen or touched by any other being except the one who owns it. It's fascinating how a similar experience can be experienced differently from person to person like a single story lived and accounted by different characters. This book records the memories of the poet, that has been penned down and is waiting to be read and to be s

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Journal of A Lost Soul

Books by Kushagra Krishna Deo

This book is a compilation of the thoughts expressed in the form of poems that belonged to a man once born into this world ,a soul who was lost in this world while no one looked for him , everything in this book are thoughts of that soul from his journey into oblivion. The reader will find him/herself lost in another dimension while going through heart touching poetry and may even find many poems relatable.

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