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Hushed Whispers

Books by Shikha Gupta

This is a premium quality fully coloured coffee book published by Literoma which features some of Shikha Gupta’s best poems and quotes from her wide collection. She is one of our bestselling authors in tea-time read category for her ‘Soul Curry’ series. To quote author from this book, “This coffee table book, which should have been my first, happens to be my 3rd book.” 

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My Good Night Friend

Books by Sidharth Singh

“My Goodnight Friend” is a combination of short stories brought to you by Literoma. Its not just a story but an experience one has faced or felt at different moments somewhere at different point of time in life. These stories will provide you with a new sight. It will take you to a ride, where you will be thrilled to actually feel every single word written. A new version of write-ups. Experience a new world.

As said, “If words were ju

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My Goodnight Friend

Books by Sidharth Singh

This is a feel good book by Literoma. “My Goodnight Friend” is a combination of short stories. Its not just a story but an experience one has faced or felt at different moments somewhere at different point of time in life. These stories will provide you with a new sight. It will take you to a ride, where you will be thrilled to actually feel every single word written. A new version of write-ups. Experience a new world. 

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Books by সুব্রতা বন্দ্যোপাধ্যায়

শিশুরা খেলতে খেলতে বড় হয়। চারপাশের জগৎটা ওদের জ্ঞানের ভাণ্ডার, আনন্দের রসদ। ওদের কৌতূহলী চোখ ওদের কৌতূহল পিপাসা মেটায়; কল্পনায় ভাসায়। ওরা কল্পনায় অসম্ভবকে সম্ভব করে নতুন পৃথি

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Soul Curry

Books by Shikha Gupta

Soul Curry is a compilation of blogs & poetry by Shikha Gupta, brought to you by Literoma. It comprises of author's thoughts and opinions on various societal and emotional topics related to human life.

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The Luminaries of 2022

Books by Literoma Inc.

Literoma had launched the ‘Biography of the Millennium’ project at the beginning of the year 2020 with a vision to bring out the inspiring stories of achievers, who have shown light to the world around by leading a life of example. They are all commoners with a big heart, brave soul and creative mind.

We are now undergoing the post-pandemic recovery phase when the entire world is struggling to make a comeback from the setback; Literoma is b

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Offbeat Bengal

Books by Reetwika Banerjee

Innumerable books have been written on ‘Travel’ but very few authors have explored the ‘Travel Fiction’ genre, especially in the Indian spectrum talking about the prevalent folklores, legends, history and haunted stories surrounding a place, complimented with appealing first-hand photographs of those beautiful destinations so that readers can also enjoy a visual expedition.

‘Travel Tales: Diary# 4: Offbeat Bengal’ co

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Travel Tales: Diary #3

Books by Reetwika Banerjee

‘Travel Tales’ is like a blueberry topping on simple vanilla ice cream. Many of you who read Reetwika’s previous trip diaries already know, it is one of those rare book series which brings to you unfamiliar accounts of popular places through the author’s eyes. Some of the travelogues may simply talk about her personal travel experiences and realizations at the conclusion of the trip.

‘Travel Tales: Diary# 3: Enchant

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Enchanting Kashmir

Books by Reetwika Banerjee

‘Travel Tales’ is like a blueberry topping on simple vanilla ice cream. Many of you who read Reetwika’s previous trip diaries already know, it is one of those rare book series which brings to you unfamiliar accounts of popular places through the author’s eyes. Some of the travelogues may simply talk about her personal travel experiences and realizations at the conclusion of the trip.

‘Travel Tales: Diary# 3: Enchanting K

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Books by Rupali Gupta Mukherjee

‘Flashback', a few pages from my diary’, is brought to you by Literoma. It is a memoir, where the soul speaks and the ink paints. It is a bouquet of reminiscences, penned by the author while journeying through life.

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Dark Holds The World

Books by Pradnya Kulkarni

This book of horror poetry is brought to you by Literoma. The book contains 20 horror poems. Title 'Dark Holds The World' itself indicates that there exists a life in the dark which is unearthly. The book will make you visualize this world. Also it will make the noisiness of the dark nights audible. Scary nights, creepy places & spooky things! Experience the horripilation through words.

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From The Wise Owl's Desk

Books by Reetwika Banerjee

Reetwika Banerjee is a Cyber Security professional in an American firm. She handles key clients in Europe & North America geographies as Global Client Information Security Cluster Lead. The varied experiences gained from her demanding corporate life, inspires Reetwika to scribble her thoughts in a tiny pocket diary. This book is just a reflection of her mind. It brings to you 100 optimistic thoughts on love and happiness of life.

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