Behavioral Economist
Behavioral Economist

    I had graduated business Administration Science Degree in Common Wealth Open University. Then, I concentrate on researching whether how economic changing environment can influence our behaviors, e.g. consumer behavior in behavioral economic view.    I had researched different behavioral economic topics included how artificial intelligence influences economic environment changes, how artificial intelligence influences consumer behaviors, how disease influences traveler leisure psychology, how economic changing environment influences public transport passenger choice, how e-commerce markRead More...

Learning Ecommerce Organizational Strategy

Books by John Lok

 In my this book, I shall indicate the most famous Amazon e-commerce organization will face what kinds of marketing competitive challenges, how Amazon ought implement its management and marketing both strategies to solve Amazon future possible competitive challenges. Does Amazon need facility management department? What function of benefits will bring when Amazon sets up one facility management department?  If the Amazon lacked one facility managemen

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Environment Factor How Influences Business Behavior

Books by John Lok

This book divides two parts.  This first part explains how and why time pressure will influence marketing behavior.  I shall indicate some service and product case to explain what the time pressure consumption environment can influence consumer decision making.  I also indicate some large international organizations to explain how and why consumers will feel time pressure to influence their consumption behaviors.  This second part explains

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Social Crimes Bring Economy Influences

Books by John Lok

 This book researches whether global macro economic environment change positive or negative factor will impact any countries' crime rate to be raised or reduced.  Has it relationship between global macro economic environment and young unemployed people whose behaviors change, e.g. attempting stealing when they encounter long term unemployment suitation or attempting to sell illegal drug to earn income or performing anit-social damage behavior to infl

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Books by John Lok

 Can artifical intelligence predict houselder consumption behavior? I shall follow behavioral economic analysis theory to explain why and how these factors can influence householder electricity energy consumers to decide or choose how much electricity energy to feel that it is the most reasonable judgement of electricity energy consumption in their daily life.

 I write this book aims to give my opinions to indicate whether what factors can

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Learning Property Buyer Psychology

Books by John Lok

 Global houses demand may increase or decrease in any time. The month has many houses can sell easily, but it does not represent next month houses sale number can increase.  How can be one successful property seller ? What factors can influence house buyers' living need desires increase in long time? Why factors can influence house buyers' living need desires decrease in long time? I shall explain how applying economy theories solve economic problems

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Books by John Lok

 In my this book, the main important aim, I give examples to  explain how to apply psychological and behavioral economic  both view point related methods to predict consumer individual behavior to let businessmen learn how to choose the reasonable or right methods to attract consumers to choose to buy whose products or consume whose services to win competitors more easily.  In this book final part, I shall indicate clear reasons to explain

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Robots How Influence Future Global Job Change

Books by John Lok

 Advances in artificial intelligence (AI) technology is for the progress in critical areas, such as health, education, energy, economy inclusion, social welfare and the environment.  Whether AI can bring positive or negative impaction to influence human job nature change.
 Thus, it brings this question: Whether (AI) robotic workers can be instead of traditional human workers in these different new markets to bring positive or negative impact

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Research Service Market Development

Books by John Lok

This book is a business psychological teaching for potential service market development.  This book aims to indicate some sample different kinds of client individual psychological emotion challenges to give opions to let these businesses how to solve these psychological challenges and how to attract clients' concerning to their products or services.  Also,  I shall explain how to use psychological methods to predict clients' emotion in order to

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Can Robots Raise Efficiency

Books by John Lok

Artificial intelligence had been developed to be applied to any service , working aspects, e.g. auto-driven cars. In the future, it may replace manual transport drivers in possible, e.g. non-manual driven tram, train, bus, taxi etc. public transport service. In factory warehouse environment, it can replace some workers to deliver any goods in warehouse. In shopping center service environment, it can replace security to do patrol jobs. In restaurant, it can rep

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Big Data Technology How Predict

Books by John Lok

 I write this book aim to explain how and why whether artificial intelligence ( big data gathering tool) is better method to compare economic or statistics or psychological methods to predict consumer behavior. If future artificial intelligent technology can be developed to apply to predict consumer behavior, what requirements does it need to achieve consumer psychological prediction function?   
 This book aims to expl

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Robots Bring What Change To Society

Books by John Lok

 I write this book aim to let readers to feel whether how artificial intelligent technology will influence future technological development to influence human life. How can artificial intelligent tools can bring positive or negative impact to influence future technological development to developing and developed countries ?

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Artificial Intelligence Different Development Stages

Books by John Lok

What is future (AI) artificial intelligent products development trend and reasonable development stages?  How to predict consumer behaviors to persuade who to feel (AI) products are more satisfactory to their needs?  Why do consumers feel them to need to buy any (AI) products to use?  Will it have other similar products to replace (AI) any products? How is the reasonable stages to achieve future (AI) development in success? What are the differen

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Can Robot Development Influence Economy Growth

Books by John Lok

Nowadays, robotic had been applies to different aspect nu humans, they may include any hospitals' surgeon rooms medical surgeon equipment aspect, hotel room food delivery or hotel front line customer service aspect, shopping center, leisure places cleaning task aspect, student educational service aspect, warehouse logistic goods transport delivery tasks aspect , even general restaurants kitchen cooking tasks aspect, lawyer and accountant firms general bookkeep

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Facility Management Improves Service Performance Strategy

Books by John Lok

    Nowadays, in construction industry aspect, many businesses began to consider facility management , they believe that any properties ought need have effective facility management system in order to help their organizations any facilities can keep long time using life. The question concerns that whether facility management can bring what real benefits to any organizations, even it can influence consumers have positive consumption emotions, when the

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Robots Bring Positive Or Negative Impaction

Books by John Lok

This book divides two parts. Part one explains how (AI) brings negative impaction to influence low skillfull labor unemployment number raises , due to human job will disappear.  Part one explains how (AI) brings positive impaction to influence productivity and efficiency raising , even assisting any country itself economic growth.
In chapter one, I shall explain what the (AI) functions are benefited to human and I shall indicate whether how it can imp

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Organizational Outsourcing Strategy Advantages

Books by John Lok


 Although, nowadays, outsourcing is popular strategy to any global organizations.  But they neglect outsourcing strategy has also disadvantages to some organizational departments. This book concerns to explain why outsourcing strategy can bring benefits to some organizational departments, but it can also bring disadvantages to some organizational departments.  

 I shall indicate evidences to explain what the reason

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Space Tourism Marketing

Books by John Lok

    This book aims to explain what space business's benefits will be contributed to human . I shall research whether what economic factors are influenced to our daily living by the space business main country players. Awareness of the space industry is critical of public policy is to support it. As the impact of climate change makes survival for the human species increasingly problem, the imperative to develop the means to evacuate planet Earth and s

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Amazon Organizational Management Strategies

Books by John Lok

  Nowadays, many businesses had begun to apply internet to operate their online businesses. So, online business model will be very popular to let global online buyers can apply internet channel to buy any kinds of products, they are living far away from themselves countries. It implies that future e-commerce market competition will be very serious. However, some businessmen still feel shops and online-stores both sale mode may be attractive sale channels

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Methods Improve Human Living Standard

Books by John Lok


      Nowadays, human must hope have comfortable lives. Every one must need comfortable feeling to live in our earth in any country. I write this book aims to give my opinion whether what aspects are our most hope in order we can live more comfortable as well as owning safe feeling. I shall concentrate on researching these several aspects that I feel we need to concern how to improve if we hope that we can live more comfor

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How Developing Countries Need To Improve

Books by John Lok

 What are the different unique characteristics between one developing country and one developed country ?How to judge whether the country had been either developed or had been developing ? What factors influence the country development speed?
 In our societies, how developing and developed countries can apply robotics to improve themselves countries social development to be better, even the best. Can robotic development be appl

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Entertainment Theme Park Future Successful Strategy

Books by John Lok

 This book consists three chapters. The first chapter explains why and how to apply space tourism knowledge management concept to raise Disney attraction.  The second chapter explains why Disney knowledge management strategy ought be chose to be  similar to space tourism business.  The final chapter concerns what Disney background was and indicated what factors caused Walt Disney strategic and human resource problems as well as explained ho

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Distance Learning Successful factor

Books by John Lok

 In chapter one, I shall give reasons to explain why education quality and education productivity and online education method have close relationship.  I shall indicate what are developed countries and developing countries whose traditional classroom education method's weaknesses and online education method's strengths.  Then, I shall bring the cause and effect relationship to explain why excellent online education method can ra

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Robots Bring What Influences To Market Development

Books by John Lok

     Can apply robotics to bring advantages to change organizational structure in order to improve market development to be better in the future ? Different kinds of business organizations will encounter different kinds of challenges, e.g. cost increasing, staff shortage, reducing customers number or sale etc. challanges. So, when the organization can judge whether which aspects of weaknesses it is experiencing as well as it can know why and how

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How To Create Brain Art Creative Abilities

Books by John Lok

Human brains have much unique functions, we can not discover easily.  Even, many brain doctors, brain scientists, psychologists can not know whether how to raise ourselves brains imagination creative abilities. For example, one excellent story author, painter, dancer performer, music writer, designer etc. different kinds of art creative performer, whose brains are trained to create high level of imagination abilities in order to achieve whose art career a

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Airport Economic Behavior

Books by John Lok

    Nowadays,  travellers enjoy to go to different countries to travel.  In consumer psychological view, instead of the travelling agents' travelling e-ticket cheap and fast seats online booking service or walk in travelling travel agents travelling paper ticket purchase or attractive trip arrangement service to attract travelling consumers' choice.
 In any countries, whether attractive airport appearance design, airport conve

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Space Business Development

Books by Johnlok

           This book divides two part.  The first part explains how to predict future space tourism consumer behavior and the second part explains how to implement space organizational strategy.This book first part researchs two questions:What factors will raise space tourism leisure desire to space travelling planners? How to solve any challenges to raise space travelling planner individual  space travel leisure desire?

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Share Price Changing Factors

Books by John Lok

 Share market is often changing.  Share price will often change due to market environment factor influence, e.g. competitors, strategy change, reorganization, sale growth or reducing etc. different factors.  How share buyers can predict share price whether it will rise or reduce in short time.  
 In this book, I shall indicate some external environment factors and company internal environment factors to explain how

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Human Resource Development

Books by John Lok

When the organization has good reward management, then it will bring good organizational developement, good learning and training , good performance mangement, good sourcing and staff, good employee engagement.  In my this book, I shall explain how and why good reward management will bring all above these any one of human resource related issues to let readers to make accurate and reasonable analysis.

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Labour Positive Culture Attitude

Books by John Lok

 This book research any countries culture improvement can assist themselves economic growth. I shall follow three aspects to research this question. The first aspect researchs whether the country researchs talent human experiment which can help any businessmen to raise productivities or efficiencies. The second aspect researchs whether the country encourages employers apply high technological environment, it can raise productivities or ef

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