Bob Bux

Born and brought up in Kolkata, India, he has completed his degree course from the Calcutta University. He is an MBA in International Business from an illustrious Management Institute in India. A trusted financial
Born and brought up in Kolkata, India, he has completed his degree course from the Calcutta University. He is an MBA in International Business from an illustrious Management Institute in India. A trusted financial


We touched our souls before the skin

Books by Bob Bux

Broken-hearted and disenchanted about relationships, Sara is catapulted into the intrigues of the word. Challenged by her emotional upheavals she found James, an encounter that embraces all her hopes for finding someone special for having love that is enormously satisfying, captivating, timeless and everlasting.

The story revolves around these two wonderful characters, their dilemma, anguish, endeavors and their steamy encounters have been captured in

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Second Stab at Love

Books by Bob Bux

This book includes eleven incredible and magnificent love stories with compelling, intense and intriguing characters. These are the characters that we come across everywhere and their wonderful and untold journeys have been captured with immense delight in the form of several captivating plots. 

There are stories we don’t want to share or talk about due to peer pressure or the fear of backlash from society. Sometimes, the story itself is quite painfu

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