Joshua Veridical



Love Thrills But Kills

Books by Joshua Veridical

Have you ever been in Love. How far have you sufferred in love. How far have you wandered in love. Do you know the value of true love kiss. Read this Romantic Story of Simran which travels in the hostility of nations and struggles of emotions

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Magical Witch And Noble Prince

Books by Joshua Veridical

A Beautiful and Prosperous Island turned to ruins because of the spell of a Self-Centered Witch okara. This is the story of the struggle of the righteous King Osaka and his loyal commander Hoshua against her own mother Okara. 

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Investigating Coronavirus 2019

Books by Joshua Veridical

Last years have been very toiling for humankind, never before have we witnessed a situation where we had to stay away from our loved ones for their safety. Nature again reminded us of it being superior.

Even our best of advancement couldn’t prevent the loss of life. We will see the reasons corresponding to planets transit from the astrology point of view and learn how to predict pandemics in future if our correlation is true.

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PlanetsAnd Soul Mate

Books by Joshua Veridical

There is a  very Famous Saying, Our Partners are made in Heaven, So Who I love or who will love me is decided in heaven. Even the timing of my love  and also sad break ups. All this is hidden in our horoscope. A Learned Astrologer can also tell you the experience of your relationship and who was the one who broke up if there is any.

I want to share my knowledge of Astrology where we will only see how to judge a Horoscope to know when will o

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Books by Joshua Veridical

In the Rush of living our life, it is true that we forget Purpose of life. Religion keeps us disciplined and shows us the path to find that purpose. There are many monks, Spiritual Leaders and Priests who guide us to maintain stability in life and help our soul grow. This book takes you in the unusual journey of Spiritualism where the purpose of life is found by our main protagonist but in a very unusual way.

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Learn Astrology in 3 Hours

Books by Joshua Veridical

Know about your Health, Wealth, Love, Break up, Marriage and Divorce by spending some hours reading this book

Decipher Your Future by understanding in a simple way what Astrology is. This book will enable you to do predictions in matter of hours. The knowlede pool has been squeezed from the experiences of so many years and the book has ensured that it is written in such a way that is becomes easy to understand.

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Me Meta And Love

By Joshua Veridical in Science Fiction | Reads: 2,436 | Likes: 1

21st July 2031 Life Alert "Patient No Beta 202321 is responding" Life Alert "Patient No Beta 202321 is responding" a robotic voice is announcing to all the connected systems of the National Hospital. It is after nine years that this patient Beta 202321, actual name Joshua has come out of coma. He me  Read More...

Published on Jul 3,2022 03:24 PM

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