Arati Samajpati


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Songs of Life

Books by Arati Samajpati

If you are moved by the written words, if you have a love for poetry, if you like to take short dives into philosophy and spirituality, and most importantly, if you want to feel the magic of Tagore but have never been able to, this short book is for you. 
The author, Arati Samajpati, has taken on the challenge of reaching Tagore to a wider audience with great elan. With Master’s in both English and Bengali literature, she is also uniquely placed

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Repaying a loan

By Arati Samajpati in Young Adult Fiction | Reads: 2,929 | Likes: 0

Repaying a Loan   Dr.Sujata was about to close her laptop, when a sudden flush of a message drew her attention. Dr.Hemant from India wanted to connect. Urgent!!!   A renowned industrialist from Lucknow, had been suffering from severe heart complications. His age (75) and conditions made it  Read More...

Published on Jul 10,2022 11:36 AM

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