Vikram Pulipati



Books by Vikram Pulipati

Thanks for showing interest in this book. This book is fiction love story which I was written by imagination. In this book it completely turns about how the love stories will be in olden days in the forest area.Fight against the governemnt and the people.

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Fearless heart

By Vikram Pulipati in Young Adult Fiction | Reads: 2,131 | Likes: 2

One day in India, a man was crying loudly on the road, he was crying because of you , hey you , it's because of you ,are you listening it's because of you....... You didn't understood right who is it. Yes it's me ,yes it's you who is ready this story. We are all reason for it. You cries because of o  Read More...

Published on Oct 10,2022 01:57 AM

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