Dr. Lourdes Vijayan

Passionate novelist, poet and teacher
Passionate novelist, poet and teacher


Whispers of Deception

Books by Lourdes Vijayan

In the captivating tale titled "Whispers of Deception," the reader is immersed in the intricate world of John, a distinguished banker held in high regard by society and his colleagues. Despite his staunch resistance to the idea of marriage, fate slyly weaves the enchanting Joy into his life, driven by her family's insatiable hunger for financial gain. Unbeknownst to John, a treacherous web unfolds before him, yet he willingly embraces love for Joy, even in the

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Books by Lourdes Vijayan

The author delves into the depths of the ordinary existence of Raj, fisherman whose life is intricately intertwined with the rich tapestry of culture and tradition of fisheries. At this love story, where Raj finds himself irresistibly drawn to the captivating Theras. Despite the disapproval of their parents, the couple dares to defy societal norms and embarks on the journey of matrimony. However, Raj's recklessness for his responsibilities propel Theras down a

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