Deo Kumar Gupta

Writer, Poet
Writer, Poet

Deo Kumar gupta, aged sixty one years, is a succesfully retired state government servant who has always discharged his duties with full commitment and dedication. His job profile required him to meet people from almost every strata of life on a daily basis which became his source of motivation and creation of his present work. His keen observation and the ability to look at life differently, helped him turn into a poet who always tries to comprehend and beautifully pen down the incidents happening in and around. He has tried to give a positive message to the world through his poems. Positive fRead More...



Books by देव कुमार गुप्ता

“देखकर चिलचिलाती धूप, कोई हार कर बैठ जाता है,
पर वह भी कोई मर्द है, जो उसी धूप में चलकर मंजिल पाता है।“

 उपर की पंक्तियां इसी पुस्तक से ली गई हैं। और यह पुस्तक इन्ही पंक्तियों के

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